Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Iridology Analysis -43

Right iris
1) A mild accumulation of lipids surrounded in layer 7, indicate fats content in the blood stream.
2) Crypt attached in the urinary bladder. Checking of urination condition, such as how frequent of urination, burning or choking off urination, pain after urination and problem of dribbling. Prostate also have to be attention.
3) Deep ray stemming from the inner pupillary border, collarette toward to ciliary zone of liver and gall bladder reflex areas, indicate of liver stress. The deep ray was part of radii solaris formation in the lover abdomen.
4) Stress rings formation. Stress emotion, aggresiveness, proactive and self-motivated.
5,6) Radial furrows formation in the brain areas, indicate brain stress with nerve depletion, possible sinus congestion, headache and potential of mental and emotional imbalance. Some iridologist claimed that high potential of parasites involvement in the GI- Tract.

Left iris
1) Initially seem like scurf rim but confirmed with the client with no skin disorder problem.
2) Contraction furrows formation alwalys concentrated in the lung zone.
3) Ptential of prostate and urinary bladder deficiency.
4) Deep rays - radii solaris formation in the brain zone.

Inferior Nasal Flatness - Right iris
a) Look for prostate of testicular changes.
b) Potential stress in scaral, lumbar and coccyx areas.

Foot Glyphology analysis highlighted that an iris under the Radii solaris formation that potentially that the GI tract is affected by parasites. The soul of the foot in the colon reflex region showing some parallel line tracks with parasite movement in the colon areas.

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