Thursday, April 22, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 42

1) Radii solaris was formed in the brain zone indication of nerve stress and depletion, possible of headache, diziness, loss of concentration and emtionally disturbances.
2) Open and closed lacunae scattered around the layer of 6 & 7. Possible a deficiency in detoxification and elimination system.
3) Closed lacuna in the thyroid reflex zone, potential of thyroid deficiency - hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Metabolism imbalance.
4) Radii solaris was symmetrically formed in the lower abdomen areas, indicate disturbance in digestion, absorption, assimilation, detoxification and elimination functions problem. Possible of parasites involvement in the bowel function.
5) Closed lacuna situated in the urinary bladder reflex area.
6) Closed lacuna situated in the ovary gland.
7) Sodium ring - Lipids content in the bloodstream.
8) Ray or semi-open lacuna located in the subtle heart reflex area.

Closer view on open and closed lacunae at the outer rim of detoxification and elimination layer zone - right iris
1) Small closed lacunae or crypts located in the region of urinary bladder and vagina reflex areas. ( Patient : female ).
2) Closed located in the liver and pancreas reflexive areas. Potential of liver and pancreas stress in detoxification, digestive enzyme deficiency or glucose level imbalance.
3) Cholerestrol ring.
4, 5) Potential of sinus, headache and emotional stress problems.

Closer view on open and closed lacunae at the outer rim of left iris.

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