Thursday, April 22, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 41

Right iris
1) Topoliable of brown pigments indicate liver stess involvement.
2) Anxiety tetanic lines formation in the lower abdomen areas.
3) Formation of lipemic diathesis in the layer 6 & 7.
4) Closed lacuna located in bronchioles reflex zone, attention of bronchitis poblem.
5) Radii solaris formation in the brain zone. Suggestively, the consulting of emotional and mental issues is priority.

Left iris

1) Small lacuna or crypt attached in the region of heart and left side of bronchioles reflex areas. Suggest checking the heart's arteries and vein blood circulation, plaque condition and cholesterol levels in the body system and respiratory condition.
2) Crypts are located in the region fo spleen reflex area. Lymphatic circulation and immunoligical issues are set to be concerned.
3) Attention to testes gland functions.
4) Loose fiber structure in the kidney zone indicate a low resiliency and illness resistance .

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