Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Iridology Analysis - 40

1) Cholesterol or Sodium ring indicate high lipid content in the bloodstream.
2) Brown pigment indicate liver stress or possible of fatty liver.
3, 4) Brown pigment topoliable situated in the abdomen area indicate deficiency in liver function.
5) Radial furrows breaks and intercepts in the Lung reflex area, potential of deficiency in respiratory functions.
6) Whitish fiber crypt located in the pancrease reflex zone possible irritation in pancreas function, checking of glucose level and digestive enzymn.
7) Radii Solaris expanding from the upper portion of the collarette indicate nerve stress and depletion of nerve energy, potential of headache, diziness, vertigo, feeling og low energy and libido and low concentration.
8) Loose fiber structure or low density in the pancreas reflex zone.

1) closer view on the collarette - thick collarette formation.
2) Disappearing of collarette in the upper abdomen zone. Disturbances in GI tract.
Closer view on thick collarette.

1) Closed lacuna located in the heart zone indicate possibility of cardiovascular risk and heart disease.
2) Radii solaris was formed in the head zone, close lacuna in the adrenal\kidney reflex area plus the stress rings - indicate emotionally imbalance with stress, tension, anxiety, low energy and fatigue - Cardio-Rinal Syndrome

Closer view on the closed lacuna located in the heart reflex zone. White radial fibers attached inside the lacuna indicate irritation , agitation and inflammation in the organ tissues.

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