Friday, July 27, 2018

Signs at Constricted Pupillary Zone - Embryological, CAC, Emotional & PNEI Network Gastrointestinal Dynamics - Rx - (hhg)

Analyse the pupil flatness should be set priority, then looking for the signs at pupillary zone - crypt, pigment, lacuna, radial furrow, defect sign. They are relate to Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Emotional & PNEI Network Gastrointestinal Dynamics approaches. The integrity of the Collarette - local indentation of the collarette, pigment on the collarette, radial furrow/lacuna indented or penetrate to border of the collarette, can be related to Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics and Chronobiological approaches. 
The Inner Pupillary Border signs such as Thickness/ Diameter Color/ Shapes/Morphologies, Introflession, Extroflession, Absence, Hypertrophy, Pigmented IPB for Space Risk & Spinal reflex should be paramount for taking analysis. Signs at outside of the collarette border & ciliary zones will be considered at last.

Multiple Pupil Flatness, Orange Pigment, Constricted Collarette, Time Risk & Emtional Dynamic of the Collarette - Rx - (hhg)

Observe the analyse the collarette structure - internal/external border of the collarette - crypts/lacunae/pigments/radial furrows/indentation/extroflession. 
What about the pupil flatness adjacent to the lacunae attached on the border of he collarette ?


Mimulus helps those who feel they need greater courage to face up to the everyday events of life. Those in need of Mimulus suffer unnecessary fear and worry about everyday situations, such as visiting the dentist, flying, swimming, spiders or perhaps taking their driving test. They can appear nervous, shy or timid and may hesitate or blush easily when in situations where they feel vulnerable. Sensitivity to crowds, loud noises, or bright lights are other examples of states for which Mimulus would be beneficial. As Mimulus dissolves their fears and worries those with this personality trait find themselves able to create a more positive mental approach to life.

Dr Bachs description of Mimulus:-

"Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of
being alone, of misfortune. The fears of everyday life. These people
quietly and secretly bear their dread, they do not freely speak of it to
(Source :

Cherry Plum

Cherry Plum restores the qualities of balance, calmness and positive control of the mind. The negative Cherry Plum state can be a very extreme and uncomfortable one in which the personality experiences powerful and irrational fears. Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace.

Dr Bachs description of Cherry Plum:-

"Fear of the mind being over-strained, of reason giving way, of doing
fearful and dreaded things, not wished and known wrong, yet
there comes the thought and impulse to do them."
(Source :

Pupil Flatness, Collarette Bridges, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Embryological, CAC & Gastrointestinal Emotional & PNEI System - Rx - (JC-2)

a) Observe the multiple pupil flatness at FF, MNF & LTF, compare with pupil flatness at Lx-iris.
b) Explain the correlation of Frontal Flatness (FF) and radial furrow at 352' in physical & emotional levels.
c) Lacunae located at 230' & 250' indicates predisposition to pancreas/ gall bladder/liver imbalance. In addition, Citric Acid Cycle (CAC) sign located at internal collarette border - 258' associated with fumaric acid imbalance as tendency to impaired liver function.
d) Lacuna at 210' represent inheritance of ovarian stress. Suggest checking  family feminine members. 
e) Lateral Temporal Flatness accompanied with embryological sign at internal collarette border - 268' indicates family medical history of breast related problems, it also associated with malic acid imbalance as tendency to dysglycaemia.
f) Embryological signs located at internal collarette border - 305' & 312' indicates gall bladder & liver insufficiency which correlate with physical lacunae at 230'.
g) Crypt located at internal border of the collarette - 125' embryologically related to family history of blood sugar imbalance supported by pancreas lacuna at 250'. In CAC, this condition associated with succnic acid imbalance, the patient tendency to diabetes mellitus.


Aspen helps those who experience apprehension for which there appears to be no logical reason. This can take the form of vague but potent apprehension of some unknown future event or an uneasy ‘spooked out’ feeling in the dark or in strange places. The creepy, shivery feeling that is sometimes described as ‘someone just walked over my grave’ expresses the Aspen fear of the spirit / psychic realms very well. Shaking, trembling, or vague fluttering feelings in the tummy together with coldness, paleness & nightmares are all indications of the need for Aspen.

Dr Bachs description of Aspen:-

"Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation,
no reason. Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible
going to happen, he knows not what. These vague unexplainable fears
may haunt by night or day. Sufferers often are afraid to tell their
trouble to others."
(Source :

Pupil Flatness, Collarette Bridges, Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics, Embryological, CAC & Gastrointestinal Emotional & PNEI System - Lx - (JC-

The areas & layers of analysis as below:
a) Explain the pupil flatness at STF, LTF & MNF in physical, emotional & potential spinal tensions. Please look at the family medical history of tinnitus, vertigo, asthma, breast & heart related problems and thyroid gland imbalance..
b) Internal lacunae located at the internal border of the collarette - 70' & 82', embryologically concerns with spleen, adrenal & thyroid disturbances.
c) A sharp indentation lacunae at 93' adjacent to the pupil lateral temporal flatness, a major indicator for family medical history of cardiovascular problems. Medial nasal flatness (MNF) also highlight the cardiovascular risk. Further medical checking for family members is recommended.
d) An indented lacunae accompanied with collarette bridge at 115', another major sign indicates predisposition to blood sugar imbalance and Time Risk at 6.125 months of pregnancy, possible emotional issues of self-limitation. Observe another collarette bridge is presented at 210', her mother might experienced emotional stress of violence during pregnancy.
e) Lacunae located at the ventral section border of the collarette - 150' & 165', represent another clue of indicating family medical history of ovarian and cervical related problems.Further checking with feminine family members is recommended !
f) Pancreas lacuna attached at border of the collarette - 305'

Sunday, July 22, 2018

INF, Linear Collarette, Solitary Lacuna & Radial Furrow Penetrate to Border Collarette - Rx - (ch)

Male, 10
a) Inferior Nasal Flatness correlate with Radial Furrow at 215', both are indicate predisposition to family medical history of testicular or prostate changes.
b) Frontal & ventral linear collarette correlate with solitary lacunae attached to the border of the collarette at 295' indicate family medical history of blood sugar imbalance.
c) Radial furrow penetrated to the collarette border & pupillary zone at 215', can be classified as Multidimensional sign. Embryologically relates to testicular or prostate imbalance, succinic acid imbalance tendency to blood sugar imbalance in family medical history. Time risk at 3.625month, during pregnancy the 10yr boy's mother experienced traumatic events possible related to violence or resentment...
d) Radial Furrow penetrated to pupillary zone toward inner pupillary border , in regard to gastrointestinal emotional aspect, possible relate to issue of disharmony with parents..

Pupillary Shadow Ring, STF, Indented Lacuna at 260' - Lx - (rmk)

a) Indented lacuna penetrate to the border of the collarette - 260' indicate predisposition to thyroid imbalance, possible experienced traumatic event of sadness at the edged of 16-17.
b) Lacunae located at the external border of the collarette - 75', 85' & 90' indicates family medical history of cardiovascular problem.
c) Pupillary Shadow Ring -This shadow ring is a dark band the full or partial circumference of the pupil margin the stomach zone. It is black or grey in colour, it  indicate of prominent medical history of cancers in the family, anaemia and possible genetic history of scurvy.

Hypothalamus Stress, Pupil Flatness, Lacunae at Internal & External of the Collarette Border - Lx - CT

a) Radial Furrow located at 360' indicates hypothalamus stress, pyruvic acid imbalance, tendencies to diabetes mellitus, hepatic deficiencies, emotional limbic system imbalance and Time Risk. 
b) Superior nasal flatness correlate with brown pigment indicate liver congestion.
c) Internal lacuna at 82' as embryological sign correlate with external lacuna - 270' indicate predisposition to thyroid imbalance. 
d) External lacuna at 82' intercept with radial furrow indicate bronchitis problem.Observe lacunae locatede at cilliary zones - 60' & 73' tendency to lung insuffciency.
e) Internal lacunae at 50' & 62' as embryological signs relates to spleen insufficiency and tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
f) Please compare the findings with Rx-iris.

The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician

One evening he was called to see a child who had a painful wart on one of her fingers, and this had kept her awake and crying for several nights; nothing seemed to ease her. Bach took her on his knee and held the little hand, then said: "Now put her to bed; she'll sleep tonight. Her finger is healed. Her mother put her to bed, and on looking at the finger found the wart had disappeared.
有天晚上巴哈醫師被召喚前往探視一名幼童。 她手上有個疼痛不已的疣 使得她哭鬧數晚無法成眠。 巴哈將她抱過來牽著她的手,說 : 現在將她放到床上,她會睡得很好。她的手指已經復原了。 女孩的母親將她放在床上,發現疣已經消失了。
Often he would feel drawn to go to a certain place at a certain time, and there he would always find his help or advice was needed.
Once in the middle of a meal he started up and hurried to the pier-end, and there he found a man so depressed and hopeless that he was about to jump into the sea, and had chosen a time when he thought no one would be about. He had lost his job and could not get another Bach told him to have another try and he would be successful, and took him to the local inn for a drink and a good meal.
The next morning the man was offered a job and a good salary
曾有一次用餐的中途,他突然站起來並趕到碼頭邊,他發現一個沮喪毫無希望的人正準備跳進海裡,他以為那個時間沒有人會在附近。 這個人失業了。 巴哈告訴他再堅持下去,他將會成功,並帶他到附近的旅店吃飯喝杯酒。
One bitter winter's afternoon Bach was walking through a village some miles from Cromer, when he felt he must get back to the town, and almost running all the way, he arrived to find the lifeboat had returned from rescuing a fisherman who had fallen overboard in the sudden gale which had arisen.
在某個寒冷冬天的下午,巴哈在 Cromer的村莊散步,他突然覺得他應該到城裡,而且是跑著去的。 他發現救生艇帶回了一位因強風而落水昏迷的漁夫
The man was brought ashore unconscious, and the ambulance men were applying artificial respiration. Bach, with his highly developed powers of vision, could see the man's spirit hovering above the body, and he urged the men to continue their efforts.
After two hours they felt it was no longer any use attempting to restore breathing and circulation, but Bach asked them to go on, so that, should the spirit decide to return to the body, the process would be made easier.


真正的幸福,源於“聽從我們靈魂及透過直覺與靈知來學習的高我指引* 它不僅是人類與生俱有,更是人類於地球上終其一生所努力想具備的特質- -溫柔、力量、勇氣、堅定、智慧、和平與愛。
摘錄 自我療癒 第二章
True happiness, that resulting from “obeying the commands of our soul, our Higher Self, which we learn through instinct and intuition”* is not only man's birthright, but brings with it all the qualities he strives to attain during his life on earth; the qualities of gentleness, strength, of courage, steadfastness, wisdom, peace and love.
* Heal Thyself, Chapter II.



Saturday, July 21, 2018

Inner Pupillary Border, Pupil Tonus & Pupillary Zones - Rx - 1

Modern & MI approaches:
a) Hypertrophy of the Inner Pupillary Border structures - Overactivity of  the Physical & Emotional bodies
b) IPB Morphology - Physical & Psycho-Emotional
c) Multiple Pupil Flattenings - Physical, Emotional & Neuromuscular Spinal Tension
d) Multiple Radial Furrows penetrate into the pupillary zone - Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Chronobiological & Gastrointestinal Emotional & PNEI System

Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Gastrointestinal & PNEI Analysis - Rx - (CT)

a) Superior nasal flatness correlate with brown pigment topolabile at 165' indicate predisposition to liver congestion.
b) Internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 255' as multidimensional sign condition associated with fumaric acid imbalance tendency to impaired liver function and embryologically relates to lung insufficiency which accompanied with Contraction Furrows breaks at lung reflex zones ! 
c) Observe internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 275' (ascending colon), possible indicate predisposition to breast related problem in family medical history, chronic fungal disease and obesity. In psycho-emotional ( internal lacunae - 275' & 290') it relates to conflict  with family members (parent).
d) Brown pigment located pupillary zone nearest to pupil border - 195' indicate tendency to vitamin & mineral deficiencies.

Pupil Flatness, Time Risk, CAC, Embryological & Collarette Bridges - Lx - (JC)

a) Observe the Frontal Flatness correlate with Radial Furrow at 3' indicates hypothalamus stress, tendency to depression with emotional imbalances. ( also refer Rx- iris with same finding - FF)
b) Citric Acid Cycle signs located at internal collarette border - 66' & 82' correlate with lacunae attached at the collarette border - 120', multiple collarette bridges located 110' & 210' & tiny lacunae at 240', they all indicates the family genetic tendencies to blood sugar imbalance (Diabetes). Refer previous post : Rx-iris - Linear collarette & lacunae at 245', both indicates predisposition to blood sugar imbalance)
c) Both irises with pupil medial nasal flatness !
d) Collarette bridges happened at 110' & 210' could be considered as Time Risk sign !
e) Observe the lacunae located at the external border of the collarette - 155' & 165' indicates tendency to ovarian & cervical stress, further medical checking is recommended !

Pupil Flatness, Time Risk, CAC, Embryological, Linear & Hypertrophy Collarette - Rx - (JC)

a) Observe the multiple pupil flatness frontal & Medial Nasal areas. Explain in physical & psycho-emotional levels.
b) Explain the possibility genetic weakness tendency for linear & hypertrophy collarette.
c) Observe the internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 305'. Analyse & explain it in Citric Acid Cycle & Embryological level.
d) The lacunae located at collarette border - 228' & 245' related to the findings of (c) & linear collarette. They are indicating the common family genetic weaknesses.
e) The indented lacunae at 245' can be classified as Time Risk sign. The traumatic event possible happened at the aged of 17.5, emotionally related to betrayal issue. If confirmed, what are the Bach Flower Remedies ?
f) Observe the internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 265' indicate possible breast related problem in family medical history which correlate with the pupil of medial nasal flatness. 
g) Frontal pupil flatness indicate tendency to depression, hypothalamus stress and emotional imbalance, further consultation with BFR is recommended !