Sunday, July 22, 2018


真正的幸福,源於“聽從我們靈魂及透過直覺與靈知來學習的高我指引* 它不僅是人類與生俱有,更是人類於地球上終其一生所努力想具備的特質- -溫柔、力量、勇氣、堅定、智慧、和平與愛。
摘錄 自我療癒 第二章
True happiness, that resulting from “obeying the commands of our soul, our Higher Self, which we learn through instinct and intuition”* is not only man's birthright, but brings with it all the qualities he strives to attain during his life on earth; the qualities of gentleness, strength, of courage, steadfastness, wisdom, peace and love.
* Heal Thyself, Chapter II.

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