Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach Physician

One evening he was called to see a child who had a painful wart on one of her fingers, and this had kept her awake and crying for several nights; nothing seemed to ease her. Bach took her on his knee and held the little hand, then said: "Now put her to bed; she'll sleep tonight. Her finger is healed. Her mother put her to bed, and on looking at the finger found the wart had disappeared.
有天晚上巴哈醫師被召喚前往探視一名幼童。 她手上有個疼痛不已的疣 使得她哭鬧數晚無法成眠。 巴哈將她抱過來牽著她的手,說 : 現在將她放到床上,她會睡得很好。她的手指已經復原了。 女孩的母親將她放在床上,發現疣已經消失了。
Often he would feel drawn to go to a certain place at a certain time, and there he would always find his help or advice was needed.
Once in the middle of a meal he started up and hurried to the pier-end, and there he found a man so depressed and hopeless that he was about to jump into the sea, and had chosen a time when he thought no one would be about. He had lost his job and could not get another Bach told him to have another try and he would be successful, and took him to the local inn for a drink and a good meal.
The next morning the man was offered a job and a good salary
曾有一次用餐的中途,他突然站起來並趕到碼頭邊,他發現一個沮喪毫無希望的人正準備跳進海裡,他以為那個時間沒有人會在附近。 這個人失業了。 巴哈告訴他再堅持下去,他將會成功,並帶他到附近的旅店吃飯喝杯酒。
One bitter winter's afternoon Bach was walking through a village some miles from Cromer, when he felt he must get back to the town, and almost running all the way, he arrived to find the lifeboat had returned from rescuing a fisherman who had fallen overboard in the sudden gale which had arisen.
在某個寒冷冬天的下午,巴哈在 Cromer的村莊散步,他突然覺得他應該到城裡,而且是跑著去的。 他發現救生艇帶回了一位因強風而落水昏迷的漁夫
The man was brought ashore unconscious, and the ambulance men were applying artificial respiration. Bach, with his highly developed powers of vision, could see the man's spirit hovering above the body, and he urged the men to continue their efforts.
After two hours they felt it was no longer any use attempting to restore breathing and circulation, but Bach asked them to go on, so that, should the spirit decide to return to the body, the process would be made easier.

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