Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hypothalamus Stress, Pupil Flatness, Lacunae at Internal & External of the Collarette Border - Lx - CT

a) Radial Furrow located at 360' indicates hypothalamus stress, pyruvic acid imbalance, tendencies to diabetes mellitus, hepatic deficiencies, emotional limbic system imbalance and Time Risk. 
b) Superior nasal flatness correlate with brown pigment indicate liver congestion.
c) Internal lacuna at 82' as embryological sign correlate with external lacuna - 270' indicate predisposition to thyroid imbalance. 
d) External lacuna at 82' intercept with radial furrow indicate bronchitis problem.Observe lacunae locatede at cilliary zones - 60' & 73' tendency to lung insuffciency.
e) Internal lacunae at 50' & 62' as embryological signs relates to spleen insufficiency and tendency to blood sugar imbalance.
f) Please compare the findings with Rx-iris.

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