Saturday, July 21, 2018

Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle, Gastrointestinal & PNEI Analysis - Rx - (CT)

a) Superior nasal flatness correlate with brown pigment topolabile at 165' indicate predisposition to liver congestion.
b) Internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 255' as multidimensional sign condition associated with fumaric acid imbalance tendency to impaired liver function and embryologically relates to lung insufficiency which accompanied with Contraction Furrows breaks at lung reflex zones ! 
c) Observe internal lacunae located at internal collarette border - 275' (ascending colon), possible indicate predisposition to breast related problem in family medical history, chronic fungal disease and obesity. In psycho-emotional ( internal lacunae - 275' & 290') it relates to conflict  with family members (parent).
d) Brown pigment located pupillary zone nearest to pupil border - 195' indicate tendency to vitamin & mineral deficiencies.

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