Saturday, July 21, 2018

Pupil Flatness, Time Risk, CAC, Embryological & Collarette Bridges - Lx - (JC)

a) Observe the Frontal Flatness correlate with Radial Furrow at 3' indicates hypothalamus stress, tendency to depression with emotional imbalances. ( also refer Rx- iris with same finding - FF)
b) Citric Acid Cycle signs located at internal collarette border - 66' & 82' correlate with lacunae attached at the collarette border - 120', multiple collarette bridges located 110' & 210' & tiny lacunae at 240', they all indicates the family genetic tendencies to blood sugar imbalance (Diabetes). Refer previous post : Rx-iris - Linear collarette & lacunae at 245', both indicates predisposition to blood sugar imbalance)
c) Both irises with pupil medial nasal flatness !
d) Collarette bridges happened at 110' & 210' could be considered as Time Risk sign !
e) Observe the lacunae located at the external border of the collarette - 155' & 165' indicates tendency to ovarian & cervical stress, further medical checking is recommended !

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