

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Inferior Temporal Flatness, Radial Furrow at 180' & Ventral Linear Collarette - Rx - (shar)

Female, 17
Observe the pupil flatness at inferior temporal section, the ventral section of the linear collarette and major ray penetrated to the edge of pupil at 180'
a) Analyse the inferior temporal flatness in physical & emotional aspects
b) Explain the genetic characteristics of the ventral linear collarette 
c) The radial furrow at 180' as a multidimensional iris sign, could you interpret it in Physical, Embryological, Psycho-Emotional, Time Risk and associate with Kreb's Cycle dysfunction consideration ?
d) Could you identify what are their common physical inheritance weaknesses for these 3 genetic signs ? 
e) Could you identify what type of  traumatic / emotional imbalance was experienced by her mother during the gestation at 4.5 months (180') ? What kind of potential  psycho-emotional / epigenetic emotions  impact to this children ? This is important  to consult with her mother to get more understanding about this situation as it will effect her daughter's emotional stability, changes and growing...
f) You might have different interpretations but the emotional sensitivity, fear, self-limitation and defensiveness will be the core emotional imbalance in this condition. 

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