Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Space Risk, Multiple Pupil Flatness, Constricted & Multi-Bridged Collarette - Rx - (fazi)

- Headache & Constipation problems
Observe the local absent of the IPB, multiple pupil flatness, constricted & multi-bridge collarette structure...Could you identify which genetic signs are indicate the above mentioned problems ?

a) Explain the Frontal & Superior Nasal flatness in physical & emotional aspects.
b) What is a genetic tendency of Multi-Bridged Collarette ?
c) What is the physical, psycho-emotional & DNA predominant for this constricted collarette structure ?
d) Could you identify the multiple local absence of the IPB tissues link with Space Risk evaluation and explain it in physical & psycho-emotional levels ?
e) Which Space Risk is correlate with the interpretation of these multiple pupil flatness ?

Genetic Inheritance Signs - Rx - (siva)

- Twin brother's father
- Stroke 
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure & cholesterol
Please observe the above iris and identify which iris sign is carried a major genetic weakness carried by this father and inherited  to his twin sons ?
a) Closed lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette at 175', 220', 238' & 280' indicate predisposition to kidney, testicular, pancreas & heart problems.
b) Citric Acid Cycle sign / crypt located internal collarette border - 248' indicate renal, impaired liver function, hyper cholesterol, hypertension & hepatic cysts tendencies.
c) Multi-bridged formation along the collarette border.
I would concluded that the twin sons (harik & hariw) were genetically inherited by his father and family history of blood sugar imbalance, testicular and cardiovascular risk problems.

Genetic Inheritance Signs - Rx - (hariw)

Male,10, Twin Brother
Analyse this iris sample and compare your findings with his brother - (harik)...could you find any common genetic weakness carried by these twin brothers ?

You may observe a multiple crypts attached on the pupillary zone, internal collarette border and external border of the collarette, he has no digestion related problem same as his twin brother. I would suggest you to analyse this condition with considering modern iridological models, such as Embryology & Krebs Cycle approaches. Also, pay attention to tiny crypts & closed lacunae attached on the external collarette border, they are genetically concerns with his family medical history of hormonal and endocrine system imbalance tendencies...
a)Crypt or Embryological signs at 210' indicate predisposition to prostate imbalance.
b) Crypts or Citric Acid Cycle signs at 15', 52', 90', 100', 175', 210' & 225' indicates Pyruvic, Citrate, D-isocitrate, Alpha-Ketoglutarate & Succinate acids imbalance, major is associate with blood sugar imbalance.
c) Closed lacuna at 220', 240', 250' & 295' relates to testicular and pancreas dysfunction (blood sugar imbalance).
d) Observe ventral linear collarette !

Monday, December 30, 2013

Subtle Signs at Pupillary Zone - Lx - (harik)

Please identify an iris sign carried  a genetic weakness for this children and is reflected to his family history ? When there is no obvious sign at external collarette border & ciliary zone, which iris zones should you look for ?  This is normal for children have mydriasis pupil.

Analyse the above iris signs and identify the potential genetic threats of this children ? He has no problem in digestion. You have to apply the Embryology & Krebs Cycle models for this case study. The crypts and stairstep lacuna located at internal collarette border - 120', 155' & 225' embryologically relate to liver &  prostate deficiency. In CAC model it associate with Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Succinyl-CoA & Succinate acids imbalance indicates cardiac fatigue, general & adrenal stress and Diabetes Mellitus. The linear collarette also indicate blood sugar imbalance.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Orange Central Heterochromia, Ferrum Chromatosis & Linear Collarette - Lx - (irmi)

a) Explain the combination of Orange Central Heterochromia / Orange Pigmented Collarette, Collarette Bridge and Linear Collarette, please identify the common genetic weakness tendency for these conditions.
b) Please refer to previous post of Rx-iris . The combination of  vascularized vessel, lacuna at 80' & embryological sign at 275' These 3 iris signs are indicating a genetic weakness tendencies of lung, bronchials & breast. Checking for family history of breast or lung related  problems is recommended.
c) Observe the Ferrum Chromatosis present at the zones 6 & 7

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Orange Central Heterochromia, Iris Signs at Pupillary & Vascularized Vessel at Ciliary Zones - Rx - (irmi)

Observe the central orange pigmented collarette or Heterochromia, major rays & crypts at pupillary zone, internal collarette border and vascularized vessel at ciliary zone...

a) Radial furrow or major ray located at 360'/0' radiate from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone towards to ciliary zone should place an important and priority to analyse. This is a vital multidimensional iris sign indicating Hypothalamus stress in modern iridological approach, Amygdala glands stress in Embryological level, Limbic System imbalance in the view of emotional dynamics of the collarette, Pyruvic acid imbalance under Cellular level of Citric Acid Cycle & Time Risk marking concerning with birth trauma.
b) In modern & advanced iridological approaches, radial furrows & crypts located at pupillary zone & internal collarette border, they all can be considered importance as multidimensional iris signs. Such as radial furrows at 192', 205', 225' & 340' and crypts at 100', 120' & 275', you may refer John Andrews textbooks, articles & charts for reference.
c) A small crypt located at the external border of the collarette at 265' should pay greater attention about this genetic sign, the sign revealed an important information about her family medical history of heart disease problems ! A lacuna located at bronchials zone - 80', does it amplified by a vascularized vessel at the same time appeared in lung areas ?
d) A Central Heterochromia is a genetic marking & multidimensional sign, the orange pigment located within the internal collarette, pupillary zone and pigmented throughout the collarette border have a tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances, bowel irregularity, constipation, family history of blood sugar imbalance, emotional stress on fear & betrayal.
e) A vascularized Vessel formed in reddened singular iris fiber, extending from the external border of the collarette towards to ciliary & limbus zone at the lung reflexive areas - 280' this sign is indicate an infections, inflammation, irritation or stress on that topography area. Emotionally it concerned with anger.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Pupil Flattenings, Pupillary Zone & Misshapen Collarette Structure - Lx - (nand)

Please observe the IPB morphologies, indented & local absent of the inner pupillary border, multiple pupil flattenings, misshapen collarette structure, local sharp indentation of the collarette and multiple lacunae attached on the border of the collarette...

Please refer to the analysed results of Rx-iris before proceed to examine the Lx-iris, compare it that will increase an accuracy of analysis results and interpretation to a client. The below is an illustration of an integration & combination of findings in different zones to achieve precise results so as to giving a comprehensive interpretation to a client ! ( suggest refer John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito books & charts for reference)
a) Please set your priority to analyse the overall IPB shapes, structure & sizes. I presume you know and can explain the meanings of M sign, Distorted S-sign squared & rectangular IPB morphologies, the Space Risk at local absent of the IPB - 181' & indented IPB at 350'.
b) Explain the physical & emotional levels of inferior nasal flatness.
c) Based of the analysed results of IPB morphologies, Space Risk & pupil flatness, I will relate these to identify the correlation of findings with those lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette.
- M sign is correlate with pancreas lacunae attached on the border of the collarette.
- Squared IPB is correlate with medial nasal flatness at Rx-iris.
- The combination of Rectangular IPB and Erratic collarette structure indicate a severe gastrointestinal disturbances.
- The genetic lacunae of prostate, testes and kidneys indicate inheritance weakness tendencies is enhanced by inferior nasal flatness ! 
- Indented IPB at 350' signify Space Risk 2 indicate sinusitis problem which also enhanced by sinus lacunae attached on the frontal section of the collarette.
- Local absent of the IPB at 181' signify as Space Risk 26 combination with inferior nasal flatness, both signs are indicate predisposition to and history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx problems.

Hypertrophy of the IPB, Erratic/Misshapen Collarette & Polyglandular Disposition - Rx - (nand)

Please examine the hypertrophy of the IPB tissues, erratic collarette structure & polyglandular disposition by structure...

a) Explain the general genetic weakness tendencies of hypertrophy of the IPB, Squared, M-Sign & Local absent of the IPB at 240'. Find the correlation of iris signs on pupil flatness, pupillary zone and lacunae attached at the external border of the collarette to support and enhance an accuracy of your findings via IPB morphologies & Space Risk analysis 
b) Explain the multiple pupil flatness of Medial Nasal, Inferior Nasal & Lateral Temporal areas. Extend the findings to compare with IPB tissues & genetic lacunae on the collarette border.
c) Explain the general weakness tendencies of Polyglandular sub-type & Erratic Collarette structure.
d) Identify the local indentation of the collarette at 210' & 325', both can be classified as multidimensional sign for Time Risk, Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette, Embryology, Citric Acid Cycle & The Immune Cell and PNEI evaluation !
e) Analyse each of the lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette and then relate, connect & integrate the outcome via above mentioned modern iridological models so as to measure & compare the accuracy of the findings.
- Let me give an example, Squared IPB indicate a person is predisposition to thyroid dysfunction, the combination of medial nasal flatness and thyroid lacuna attached on the collarette border enhance this genetic condition !
- Local absent of the IPB at 240' indicate kidney insufficiency, the combination of kidney lacuna & inferior nasal flatness will enhance this inherited weaknesses !
- M sign IPB indicate predisposition to blood sugar imbalance, the combination of embryological  sign at 240' , local indentation of the collarette at 210' ( use Krebs Cycle model) & pancreas lacunae attached on the endocrine collarette border multiply the genetic effect of this person !
Please analyse the remaining highlighted iris signs and try find the correlation and combination signs which located in different iris zones and layers, as it will improve & sharpen your analysis skills !

Ok, could you relate which iris signs are concern with cardiovascular risk for this person ? At least three iris signs you can identify for this iris sample ( comprise of using classical & modern approaches). 

Diabetes Mellitus Signs in Modern Iridological Approaches - Lx - (lec)

Could you identify which iris signs are indicate a predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or Diabetes Mellitus in her family medical tendencies

The crypts located at internal collarette border - 136' & 290' represent Krebs Cycle dysfunction which indicate Succinyl-CoA & Malic acids imbalance leading to Diabetes mellitus tendencies, the linear collarette enhance the inheritance weakness !

Heart Sign in Modern Iridological Approach - Rx - (lec)

Heart disease problem
High blood pressure
Gout - high uric acid
Please find the heart sign located in this iris sample. Which iris layers or zones is indicate of this important sign ?

The radial furrow located at pupillary zone - 330' (exact location is 250' based on Embryology chart) signify as embryological sign and lateral temporal flatness of pupil, both of them are indicate this person is predisposition and family medical history of cardiovascular risk tendencies ! Could you identify the areas of neuromuscular tension on spinal cord on these two pupil flatness ?

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Pupil Flattenings, Sectoral Heterochromia & Collarette Structure - Lx - (gpc)

Please identify the IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Pupil Flattening, Brown Sectoral Heterochromia & the Collarette Structure...

Please explain the identified inner pupillary border tissues and try to correlate it with Space Risk and pupil flattenings.
a) Squared, globular & U-shaped IPB morphologies.
b) Local absent of the IPB at 165' & 187' signify Space Risk 25 indicate hip, joint pains and neuromuscular tension at coccyx areas. Take note this space deficiency was occurred at Rx-iris.
c) Explain the pupil flatness at superior, lateral & inferior temporal in physical & emotional levels. The inferior temporal flatness & multi-bridged collarette at Rx, they are enhance the meaning of hypoglycemic tendencies.
d) Sectoral Brown Heterochromia, is a genetic sign and embryological marking, it caused by birth defects or damage within the womb stated by John Andrews. The sectoral pigment is brown extending  from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone to internal collarette border in between of 300'-350' , look for adjacent organs topography areas ! 

The Superior Nasal Pupil; Flatness indicates neuromuscular tension at C3-C7, cervical muscular tension, acne linked to liver congestion ( sectoral brown pigment also indicate liver stress involvement) and sinusitis problems accompanied with Sectoral Brown Heterochromia which enhance the genetic weakness of sinus problems ( check for the adjacent reflexive organs). 

The local indentation of the collarette at 155' & Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness enhance the meaning of ovarian stress or possible Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ! We have numerous evidence showing that this person is predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or her family members is inherited with pancreas dysfunction possible of hypoglycemic and progesterone deficiency tendencies showing by multi- bridged & linear collarette and inferior temporal pupil flatness !