Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Space Risk, Multiple Pupil Flatness, Constricted & Multi-Bridged Collarette - Rx - (fazi)

- Headache & Constipation problems
Observe the local absent of the IPB, multiple pupil flatness, constricted & multi-bridge collarette structure...Could you identify which genetic signs are indicate the above mentioned problems ?

a) Explain the Frontal & Superior Nasal flatness in physical & emotional aspects.
b) What is a genetic tendency of Multi-Bridged Collarette ?
c) What is the physical, psycho-emotional & DNA predominant for this constricted collarette structure ?
d) Could you identify the multiple local absence of the IPB tissues link with Space Risk evaluation and explain it in physical & psycho-emotional levels ?
e) Which Space Risk is correlate with the interpretation of these multiple pupil flatness ?

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