Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Genetic Inheritance Signs - Rx - (hariw)

Male,10, Twin Brother
Analyse this iris sample and compare your findings with his brother - (harik)...could you find any common genetic weakness carried by these twin brothers ?

You may observe a multiple crypts attached on the pupillary zone, internal collarette border and external border of the collarette, he has no digestion related problem same as his twin brother. I would suggest you to analyse this condition with considering modern iridological models, such as Embryology & Krebs Cycle approaches. Also, pay attention to tiny crypts & closed lacunae attached on the external collarette border, they are genetically concerns with his family medical history of hormonal and endocrine system imbalance tendencies...
a)Crypt or Embryological signs at 210' indicate predisposition to prostate imbalance.
b) Crypts or Citric Acid Cycle signs at 15', 52', 90', 100', 175', 210' & 225' indicates Pyruvic, Citrate, D-isocitrate, Alpha-Ketoglutarate & Succinate acids imbalance, major is associate with blood sugar imbalance.
c) Closed lacuna at 220', 240', 250' & 295' relates to testicular and pancreas dysfunction (blood sugar imbalance).
d) Observe ventral linear collarette !

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