Wednesday, December 18, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Pupil Flattenings, Pupillary Zone & Misshapen Collarette Structure - Lx - (nand)

Please observe the IPB morphologies, indented & local absent of the inner pupillary border, multiple pupil flattenings, misshapen collarette structure, local sharp indentation of the collarette and multiple lacunae attached on the border of the collarette...

Please refer to the analysed results of Rx-iris before proceed to examine the Lx-iris, compare it that will increase an accuracy of analysis results and interpretation to a client. The below is an illustration of an integration & combination of findings in different zones to achieve precise results so as to giving a comprehensive interpretation to a client ! ( suggest refer John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito books & charts for reference)
a) Please set your priority to analyse the overall IPB shapes, structure & sizes. I presume you know and can explain the meanings of M sign, Distorted S-sign squared & rectangular IPB morphologies, the Space Risk at local absent of the IPB - 181' & indented IPB at 350'.
b) Explain the physical & emotional levels of inferior nasal flatness.
c) Based of the analysed results of IPB morphologies, Space Risk & pupil flatness, I will relate these to identify the correlation of findings with those lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette.
- M sign is correlate with pancreas lacunae attached on the border of the collarette.
- Squared IPB is correlate with medial nasal flatness at Rx-iris.
- The combination of Rectangular IPB and Erratic collarette structure indicate a severe gastrointestinal disturbances.
- The genetic lacunae of prostate, testes and kidneys indicate inheritance weakness tendencies is enhanced by inferior nasal flatness ! 
- Indented IPB at 350' signify Space Risk 2 indicate sinusitis problem which also enhanced by sinus lacunae attached on the frontal section of the collarette.
- Local absent of the IPB at 181' signify as Space Risk 26 combination with inferior nasal flatness, both signs are indicate predisposition to and history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx problems.

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