Thursday, December 26, 2013

Orange Central Heterochromia, Iris Signs at Pupillary & Vascularized Vessel at Ciliary Zones - Rx - (irmi)

Observe the central orange pigmented collarette or Heterochromia, major rays & crypts at pupillary zone, internal collarette border and vascularized vessel at ciliary zone...

a) Radial furrow or major ray located at 360'/0' radiate from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone towards to ciliary zone should place an important and priority to analyse. This is a vital multidimensional iris sign indicating Hypothalamus stress in modern iridological approach, Amygdala glands stress in Embryological level, Limbic System imbalance in the view of emotional dynamics of the collarette, Pyruvic acid imbalance under Cellular level of Citric Acid Cycle & Time Risk marking concerning with birth trauma.
b) In modern & advanced iridological approaches, radial furrows & crypts located at pupillary zone & internal collarette border, they all can be considered importance as multidimensional iris signs. Such as radial furrows at 192', 205', 225' & 340' and crypts at 100', 120' & 275', you may refer John Andrews textbooks, articles & charts for reference.
c) A small crypt located at the external border of the collarette at 265' should pay greater attention about this genetic sign, the sign revealed an important information about her family medical history of heart disease problems ! A lacuna located at bronchials zone - 80', does it amplified by a vascularized vessel at the same time appeared in lung areas ?
d) A Central Heterochromia is a genetic marking & multidimensional sign, the orange pigment located within the internal collarette, pupillary zone and pigmented throughout the collarette border have a tendency to gastrointestinal disturbances, bowel irregularity, constipation, family history of blood sugar imbalance, emotional stress on fear & betrayal.
e) A vascularized Vessel formed in reddened singular iris fiber, extending from the external border of the collarette towards to ciliary & limbus zone at the lung reflexive areas - 280' this sign is indicate an infections, inflammation, irritation or stress on that topography area. Emotionally it concerned with anger.

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