Wednesday, December 18, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Pupil Flattenings, Sectoral Heterochromia & Collarette Structure - Lx - (gpc)

Please identify the IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Pupil Flattening, Brown Sectoral Heterochromia & the Collarette Structure...

Please explain the identified inner pupillary border tissues and try to correlate it with Space Risk and pupil flattenings.
a) Squared, globular & U-shaped IPB morphologies.
b) Local absent of the IPB at 165' & 187' signify Space Risk 25 indicate hip, joint pains and neuromuscular tension at coccyx areas. Take note this space deficiency was occurred at Rx-iris.
c) Explain the pupil flatness at superior, lateral & inferior temporal in physical & emotional levels. The inferior temporal flatness & multi-bridged collarette at Rx, they are enhance the meaning of hypoglycemic tendencies.
d) Sectoral Brown Heterochromia, is a genetic sign and embryological marking, it caused by birth defects or damage within the womb stated by John Andrews. The sectoral pigment is brown extending  from the edge of IPB crossing pupillary zone to internal collarette border in between of 300'-350' , look for adjacent organs topography areas ! 

The Superior Nasal Pupil; Flatness indicates neuromuscular tension at C3-C7, cervical muscular tension, acne linked to liver congestion ( sectoral brown pigment also indicate liver stress involvement) and sinusitis problems accompanied with Sectoral Brown Heterochromia which enhance the genetic weakness of sinus problems ( check for the adjacent reflexive organs). 

The local indentation of the collarette at 155' & Inferior Temporal Pupil Flatness enhance the meaning of ovarian stress or possible Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ! We have numerous evidence showing that this person is predisposition to blood sugar imbalance or her family members is inherited with pancreas dysfunction possible of hypoglycemic and progesterone deficiency tendencies showing by multi- bridged & linear collarette and inferior temporal pupil flatness !

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