Monday, November 25, 2013

IPB Morphologies, Space risk, IPB Spinal, Pupil Flatness, Pupillary Zone & Collarette Structure - Lx - (keh)

A standard procedure and prerequisite of identification the IPB morphologies tissues & local space deficiency as below:

Observe the multiple change of the local collarette structure - indentation of the collarette & frontal cat's ear collarette, I would classified it is Misshapen Collarette. You may pay attention to a multiple sharp minor rays attached on the ventral indented collarette border ! Again, please combine & compare your findings into one picture to highlight the most important genetic information for your client. Don't forget to record their family medical history as well ! Oh,Yes ! please place the above as multidimensional iris signs for interpretation.

IPB Morphologies, Pupil Flatness & Collarette Structure - Rx - (keh)

Before zooming to analyse the IPB morphologies and pupil flatness. I propose you to analyse the collarette structure first, because it showing an embryological genetic weaknesses for this person. What genetic information can you retrive for this collarette structure ? Could you correlate these with IPB morphologies & pupil flatness ? What can you read on pupillary zone ? Could you find any solitary iris sign which attached on the external border of the collarette ?

I think you should familiar with identify and explain the above IPB morphologies, local space and it meanings in  physical and emotional levels. Take note the frontal and medial nasal flatness. You may refer the textbooks of Modern Iridology -Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition & Techniques In Iris Analysis by John Andrews & Dr.Ellen Tart from reference.
I would also like to emphasis the important of analyzing the signs on pupillary zone and collarette structure as they are indicate a vital genetic inheritance weakness to this person in embryological, emotional & cellular levels.

Please analyse and explain the above iris signs in multidimensional approaches and compare it with the IPB morphologies and pupil flatness. Identify the correlation of iris signs as it sharpen your iris analysis techniques and enhance the accuracy of the findings !

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Local Space Deficiency on Partial Atrophy of Pigmented Retinal Epithelium - Rx & Lx - (oac)

Female, 65
- Muscular tension at cervical & lumbar vertebrae
- Uterine Fibrous
- Gastric problem & Flatulence
- Family medical history of asthmatic & thyroid gland dysfynction problems
Could you identify the Space Risk or local space deficiency on this partial atrophy of IPB tissues structures...

The definition of Partial Atrophy of IPB are some of the pigmented retinal epithelium tissues is missing, absence whilst the others is normal, hypertrophic or hypotrophic. Space Risk is defined which the IPB tissue is locally missing or absent, the diameter is zero micron, and I suggest the local absent must within 10 degree so as to maintain the accuracy of measuring it space deficiency. For those IPB tissue is missing or absent more than 10' degree, is considered as "Sectional Atrophy" which is fulfilled the definition of Partial Atrophy of IPB rather than consider as Space Risk ! So, could you identify the above Rx & Lx IPBs which one is qualified as Space Risk ? In addition, please link the findings of Space Risk relate to her current health problems, family genetic history and identify which local IPB space deficiency is concerned to her spinal problems ?

The Collarette Structure - Rx - (maisu)

Could you identify the above collarette structure and explain its genetic  tendency to this person.The collarette structure is storing important genetic information for practitioner to explore...

Please explain the linear collarette where located after 1' & 11' location, what is their differences and genetic tendencies ? A combination of  bridge & linear collarette  formed at 1' location, could you explain what does it try to indicate a significant  family history of weakness ? Take note a Time Risk marking  for bridge and indented collarette formation. You may also consider the Citric Acid Cycle & Emotional dynamics of the Collarette evaluation for this ventral local indentation of the collarette !

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Crypt, Defect Sign & Lacuna Attached on the External Border of the Collarette - Rx - (nali)

Which iris sign is the most significant of this iris sample ? and can combined to indicate an enhancement of genetic weakness for this person ? Set you priority to observe IPB tissues first then a pupil, focusing on the crypts & defect signs at pupillary & border of the collarette...Take note also a perpendicular axis formed by radial furrow...

IPB Morphologies, Pupil Flatness, Frontal Radial Furrows, Sectional Hypertrophy & Bridge of the Collarette - Rx - (shang)


a) Could you interpret the multiple radial furrows attached on the frontal collarette section ? Which local radial furrow would you consider to analyse via using Embryological, Citric Acid Cycle & Time Risk evaluation ?
b) Local bridge at 355' mid-point, what does it means ?
c) Local hypertrophy of the collarette at 335', explain ?
d)  Frontal flatness at 10'-30' explain in physical & emotional levels ..

Please try to identify the IPB local space deficiency & its morphologies ?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Distended, Multi-Bridged, Linear, Indented & Local Pigmented Collarette Structure - Rx & Lx - (iiyas)

He has a problem of Thalassemia, which is a blood disorder passed down through families or inherited by his family medical history of blood disorder problem. The body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. What type of genetic iris sign can you find under this Haematogeneic Iris Constitution, subtype by Polyglandular structure ? I suggest you observe the collarette structure, small lacunae & crypts which located at pupillary zone and attached on the external border of the collarette...

a) What is the DNA predominant for this children ?
b) What does it means for multi-bridged & linear collarette ?
c) Could you identify the local indented collarette ?
d) What is the genetic tendency for distended collarette in physical and emotional levels ?
e) Observe and analyse a multiple crypt & lacuna on the pupillary zone in multidimensional approaches.
f) Identify the crypts & lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette.
g) Could you explain the important sign of local pigment attached on the border of the collarette ?
h) Could you explain the genetic weakness tendency for double collarette? 
This is a good example for practitioner to realize how important to identify the collarette structure and signs on pupillary zone, because it contribute an importance genetic inheritance & embryological information for practitioner to explore and analyse, it carries equal weight for observing IPB morphologies, spaces & pupil tonus.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Space Deficiency, IPB Spinal & Pupil Flatness - Lx - (lsp)

In this iris sample, we emphasize on analyzing the multiple local absence of the IPB and pupil flatness instead of focusing numerous radial furrows radiate from pupillary edge to ciliary zone, I suggest analyse it for reference.The multiple local absence of the inner pupillary border tissues - 70', 102', 178', 248', 254' & 285' signify Space Risk & IPB Spinal evaluation:
- Space Risk 9, 14, 26, 16, 15 & 10 ( please refer Dr.Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews on Space Risk) 
- Neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae & Coccyx 
The lateral temporal & inferior nasal flatness amplify the tension at these two spinal areas (refer John Andrews technical explanation on pupil flattenings). Please compare the findings with Rx-iris.

The HPA Axis & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (lsp)

Could you identify the IPB tissues, type of axis and pupil flatness in this iris sample ? For your information, a pupil flatness is enhanced the meaning of an axis found in this Rx iris ! Please try..

The Stress Axis formation of Radial Furrows located at 360' penetrated towards to pupillary zone as hypothalamus, pituitary & adrenal stress at 180'. The hypothalamus stress at embryological topography it takes priority over other iris signs and indicates poor adaptability in all situations, such as found in IPB tissues of squared, heart & globular signs, they all indicate genetic tendencies to thyroid gland dysfunction, fibromyalgia and intestinal dysbiosis. The HPA Axis indicates fatigue, autoimmunity, insomnia, loss of libido, mood swings and frustration. It also amplified by frontal pupil flattening !
The radial furrows at 360' & 20' beside of it embryological sign, we can classify it as Time Risk, The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Citric Acid Cycle signs for advanced evaluation !

Signs at Internal Collarette Border & Collarette Structure - PCOS Tendency - Rx & Lx - (lesh)

Female, 18
Could you identify an importance genetic information via analyzing the collarette structure, when there is limited  information on IPB tissues, pupil & ciliary zone. Practitioner should learn and practice to identify an important iris sign in different iris zones, analyse its structure, shape, density (acute, sub-acute & chronic levels), location, co-sign & factor of correlations in physical, psycho-emotional, epigenetic, embryological and cellular levels.
For your reference, the identification of local collarette structure & signs at internal collarette border as below:

The condition slight Mydriasis, Multibridged, Ventral Linear & Broken Collarette, significantly indicate a person is embryologically inherited of progesterone deficiency, blood sugar imbalance, Kreb's cycle dysfunction, heart murmur (collarette gap at heart zone) & Time Risk marking ( measure the middle point of the collarette bridge & gap). The progesterone imbalance, bridges, local collarette absent with adrenal stress (indented collarette at Lx) & embryological sign at 140' - Lx ( embryologically indicate ovarian stress), combining all findings  it significantly indicating an ovarian stress or PCOS tendency.Further checking for her family history of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is highly recommended !. Psycho-emotionally relates to fear, low self-esteem, possible experience of sexual violence and unexpressed rage. In addition, the crypts located at internal collarette border - Rx can be analyse in Classical, Embryological and Krebs Cycle levels !