Saturday, November 09, 2013

The HPA Axis & Pupil Flatness - Rx - (lsp)

Could you identify the IPB tissues, type of axis and pupil flatness in this iris sample ? For your information, a pupil flatness is enhanced the meaning of an axis found in this Rx iris ! Please try..

The Stress Axis formation of Radial Furrows located at 360' penetrated towards to pupillary zone as hypothalamus, pituitary & adrenal stress at 180'. The hypothalamus stress at embryological topography it takes priority over other iris signs and indicates poor adaptability in all situations, such as found in IPB tissues of squared, heart & globular signs, they all indicate genetic tendencies to thyroid gland dysfunction, fibromyalgia and intestinal dysbiosis. The HPA Axis indicates fatigue, autoimmunity, insomnia, loss of libido, mood swings and frustration. It also amplified by frontal pupil flattening !
The radial furrows at 360' & 20' beside of it embryological sign, we can classify it as Time Risk, The Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Citric Acid Cycle signs for advanced evaluation !

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