Saturday, November 09, 2013

Space Deficiency, IPB Spinal & Pupil Flatness - Lx - (lsp)

In this iris sample, we emphasize on analyzing the multiple local absence of the IPB and pupil flatness instead of focusing numerous radial furrows radiate from pupillary edge to ciliary zone, I suggest analyse it for reference.The multiple local absence of the inner pupillary border tissues - 70', 102', 178', 248', 254' & 285' signify Space Risk & IPB Spinal evaluation:
- Space Risk 9, 14, 26, 16, 15 & 10 ( please refer Dr.Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews on Space Risk) 
- Neuromuscular tension at Thoracic Vertebrae & Coccyx 
The lateral temporal & inferior nasal flatness amplify the tension at these two spinal areas (refer John Andrews technical explanation on pupil flattenings). Please compare the findings with Rx-iris.

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