Monday, November 11, 2013

Distended, Multi-Bridged, Linear, Indented & Local Pigmented Collarette Structure - Rx & Lx - (iiyas)

He has a problem of Thalassemia, which is a blood disorder passed down through families or inherited by his family medical history of blood disorder problem. The body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. What type of genetic iris sign can you find under this Haematogeneic Iris Constitution, subtype by Polyglandular structure ? I suggest you observe the collarette structure, small lacunae & crypts which located at pupillary zone and attached on the external border of the collarette...

a) What is the DNA predominant for this children ?
b) What does it means for multi-bridged & linear collarette ?
c) Could you identify the local indented collarette ?
d) What is the genetic tendency for distended collarette in physical and emotional levels ?
e) Observe and analyse a multiple crypt & lacuna on the pupillary zone in multidimensional approaches.
f) Identify the crypts & lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette.
g) Could you explain the important sign of local pigment attached on the border of the collarette ?
h) Could you explain the genetic weakness tendency for double collarette? 
This is a good example for practitioner to realize how important to identify the collarette structure and signs on pupillary zone, because it contribute an importance genetic inheritance & embryological information for practitioner to explore and analyse, it carries equal weight for observing IPB morphologies, spaces & pupil tonus.

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