Saturday, November 09, 2013

Signs at Internal Collarette Border & Collarette Structure - PCOS Tendency - Rx & Lx - (lesh)

Female, 18
Could you identify an importance genetic information via analyzing the collarette structure, when there is limited  information on IPB tissues, pupil & ciliary zone. Practitioner should learn and practice to identify an important iris sign in different iris zones, analyse its structure, shape, density (acute, sub-acute & chronic levels), location, co-sign & factor of correlations in physical, psycho-emotional, epigenetic, embryological and cellular levels.
For your reference, the identification of local collarette structure & signs at internal collarette border as below:

The condition slight Mydriasis, Multibridged, Ventral Linear & Broken Collarette, significantly indicate a person is embryologically inherited of progesterone deficiency, blood sugar imbalance, Kreb's cycle dysfunction, heart murmur (collarette gap at heart zone) & Time Risk marking ( measure the middle point of the collarette bridge & gap). The progesterone imbalance, bridges, local collarette absent with adrenal stress (indented collarette at Lx) & embryological sign at 140' - Lx ( embryologically indicate ovarian stress), combining all findings  it significantly indicating an ovarian stress or PCOS tendency.Further checking for her family history of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is highly recommended !. Psycho-emotionally relates to fear, low self-esteem, possible experience of sexual violence and unexpressed rage. In addition, the crypts located at internal collarette border - Rx can be analyse in Classical, Embryological and Krebs Cycle levels !

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