Saturday, November 23, 2013

Local Space Deficiency on Partial Atrophy of Pigmented Retinal Epithelium - Rx & Lx - (oac)

Female, 65
- Muscular tension at cervical & lumbar vertebrae
- Uterine Fibrous
- Gastric problem & Flatulence
- Family medical history of asthmatic & thyroid gland dysfynction problems
Could you identify the Space Risk or local space deficiency on this partial atrophy of IPB tissues structures...

The definition of Partial Atrophy of IPB are some of the pigmented retinal epithelium tissues is missing, absence whilst the others is normal, hypertrophic or hypotrophic. Space Risk is defined which the IPB tissue is locally missing or absent, the diameter is zero micron, and I suggest the local absent must within 10 degree so as to maintain the accuracy of measuring it space deficiency. For those IPB tissue is missing or absent more than 10' degree, is considered as "Sectional Atrophy" which is fulfilled the definition of Partial Atrophy of IPB rather than consider as Space Risk ! So, could you identify the above Rx & Lx IPBs which one is qualified as Space Risk ? In addition, please link the findings of Space Risk relate to her current health problems, family genetic history and identify which local IPB space deficiency is concerned to her spinal problems ?

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