

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Maternal DNA - Constricted Collarette - (abdu) - Rx

Male, 50
Please analyse this iris photo by starting identify the importance iris signs from IPB structure, pupil, pupillary zone, internal & external border of the collarette and ciliary zone.This constricted collarette is predominant inheritance of the maternal DNA and biogenetics...Let me give you a start from identifying the IPB structure and shape first...

What can you observe the shape, structure and thickness of this sectional IPB & the local space of the IPB ? Find the correlation of iris signs in different zones to support your finding in IPB. What does it mean of constricted collarette in physical and emotional levels ? What are the correlation of constricted collarette with IPB ? Other iris signs in pupillary zone, internal & external collarette of the collarette, ciliary and limbus zones? What we observe is 90% an inheritance genetic deficiency by  this person mother DNA...

The local absent of IPB at 355' is represent Space Risk deficiency and it relate to Space Risk 1. The squared IPB located at the sectional hypertrophy of IPB at 40'-60', I would classify it as Neurolappen IPB as well. The combination of these 3 IPB in term of its shape, structure and thickness can be indicating of  personal and family genetic deficiency in hypothalamus gland, thyroid gland, emotionally imbalance with stress & tension and intestinal problems conjunction with constricted collarette. In psycho-emotional aspect, the constricted collarette tend to be self-contained, inward looking and issues of not letting go. In my opinion, the negative emotional issues is amplified by Space Risk 1 and Neurolappen IPB ! ( Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito & John Andrews research articles on IPB in emotional aspects). In addition, the potential of neuromuscular tension in cervical vertebrae areas  in Space Risk at 355' & Extroflession of IPB at 40'-60' is highlighted.

The minor ray or radial furrow located in pupillary zone at 280' embryologically indicate of thyroid dysfunction and conjunction with Squared IPB. John Andrews stated that, the constricted collarette have a tendency to ear, nose & throat disorders, you may observe the support evidences of radial furrows located at topography areas of 30' & 45' indicates potential frontal sinus and nose related problems. Please take note the deep & dark radial furrow at 10' emanating from the edge of IPB and penetrating to the ciliary zone at 10' classical and embryological it concern with pituitary stress and bronchus problems. It also granted for Time Risk evaluation.

A double pancreatic lacunae located at the external border of the collarette in the classical topographical  of 230'-240'. This indicates a personal predisposition and genetic family history of Pancreatic Cysts. In addition, the internal crypt and minor ray located at internal collarette border signify as Succinyl-CoA acid & Pyruvic acids imbalance associate with Diabetes Mellitus - Type 2 tendency !

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