Sunday, June 30, 2013

Inferior Temporal Distended Collarette - Lx - (pakia) - c

Observe the left sided inferior temporal distended collarette and identify the iris signs - lacunae and crypts located at the external border of the collarette and pupillary zone. Find the correlation and compare with Rx-iris
Inferior Temporal Distended Collarette indicate change in blood sugar levels, IBS , intestinal dysbiosis and immune compromises.

Erratic / Misshapen Collarette - Rx - (pakia) - b

Observe the misshapen collarette structure with multiple indentation, distension and zig-zags formation to the collarette. Multiple lacunae attached at the external border of the collarette at mild level of glandular structure, and multiple crypts & minor rays at pupillary zone suggest of multidimensional iridological approaches...We will use the analysed IPB results to compare with these   iris signs !
1) Erratic Collarette Structure indicates:
- Disruption of  neuroendocrine immunology.
- Autoimmune condition.
- Compromised PNEI adaptability and MALT alterations.
- Compromise of the Golgi Apparatus & Mitochondria.
( Source: " Iris & pupillary Signs, Modern Iridology, 3rd edition", John Andrews)
I would like to suggest the misshapen collarette is amplified by S, Squared & Globular signs of IPB, Space Risk 1 & Space Risk 19 of neuroendocrine immunological imbalance and gastrointestinal disturbances- refer to post - a). 
2) The multiple crypts minor rays located at pupillary zone, they are multidimensional signs and  will  be suggest to apply the modern iridological models, such as Citric Acid Cycle & Embryological approaches.
a) Embryological Approach:
   -Minor ray & crypts - 209', 245', 256' & 307' signify as embryological signs and it indicates potential of prostate deficiency, sinusitis, lung stress (amplified by Palisade Fenceposts IPB) and gall bladder insufficiency. 
b) Citric Acid Cycle Approach:
  - Crypts & minors located internal collarette border - 97', 189', 209', 245', 256' & 307' signifies Alpha-Ketoglutarate acid, Succinate acid acid, Fumarate acid & Oxaloacetate acid imbalance it indicates chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue, cardiac fatigue, anaemia, Diabetes mellitus, general stress, heart/ cardiac function, increased tendency to infections, food allergies & intolerance are increased, low libido and MALT compromise.
3) There is an importance iris signs of multiple indentation of the collarette with co-sign as follow:
- Lacuna indented collarette at 270' > potential traumatic event at the aged of 15
- Crypt indented collarette at 235' > 20.75
- Lacuna indented collarette at 90'  > 45
Multiple local indentation of the collarette can indicate the following:
- Time Risk markings - 15, 20.75 & 45
- Time Risk marking from vaccination stress
- Parasites tendency
- Intestinal Dysbiosis
- Autoimmune condition 
- Compromise of MALT
- Inflammation within the intestinal tract
- Psycho-emotional can be result in -
   * A challenge in psychological
   * The experience of betrayal
   * Emotionally vulnerable time
   * Deep seated bitterness and block in trauma
* Suppressed anger & resentment leading to depression
( Source: "Immunology & Iridology" & Emotional Approach In Iridology" by John Andrews) 
4) Multiple lacunae attached on the external border of the collarette:
- Lacuna located at thyroid reaction field - 90' indicate family history of thyroid gland dysfunction, this genetic weakness correlates with squared IPB & Space Risk 7 - refer to post (pakia) - a.
- Lacuna located at heart reaction field - 270 & 284' indicate personal genetic predisposition to heart problem, correlates with Palisade Fenceposts IPB & Space Risk 9 - refer to post (pakia) - a.
- Thymus lacuna located at 105' indicate immunological imbalance.
- Pancreas lacuna located at 125' represent family medical history of blood sugar imbalance and it enhance by Succinate acid imbalance as above mentioned.
- Lacuna located at prostate reaction field - 145' indicate genetic tendency to prostate imbalance, it correlate with Teardrop IPB.
- Observe the lacuna at 215' & 235' indicate possible family history of testicular dysfunction and gall bladder imbalance correlation with embryological sign at 307'.
- Lacunae seated at the external border of the collarette - 270' & 284' predominantly indicate personal and family medical history of cardiovascular problem, this important sign also amplified by Palisade Fenceposts IPB & Space Risk 9 !
- Pancreas lacuna at 292' & 300', observe the linear collarette as well !

Hypertrophy of IPB & its Morphologies - Rx - (pakia) - a

Male, 62
Observe the extensive IPB morphologies or pigmented retinal epithelium along the IPB tissues, local absent of IPB and some abnormal IPB shapes are link to Space Risk consideration (please refer Inner Pupillary Border, 2000, pg.95,written by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito). The IPB findings will be applied to counter check the correlations with other iris signs located in pupillary zone, collarette border and external border of the collarette in next coming post...
a) Suggest U-shaped IPB, according to Dr. Dainele Lo Rito researched  this unique IPB indicative blocks derived from infantile traumas, suppression of expression and not to be feel integrated.
b) Frontal hypertrophy with Palisade Fenceposts formation of IPB, it indicates
- It concern with neuroendocrine imbalance, cause the frontal IPB structure is abnormal, distorted and hypertrophy, it also can be related to Space Risk 1 relate to hypothalamus stress and compromise in limbic system, emotional imbalance with stress and tension, possible of vertigo, headache, depletion of nerve energy,less resistance to emotional & physical trauma and PNEI alterations and compromise.
- The sectional hypertrophy of the IPB, can be classified as Neurolappen or Nerve Rag. It also indicate a genetic tendency to nervous sensitivities with anxiety & tension and possible depression that amplified by Space Risk 1.
- The Palisade Fenceposts is located frontally, it concern about a family medical history of cardiac disturbances stemming from hypersensitivity of the nervous system and also asthma plus recurrent bronchitis due to inhibition of the MALT, as according to John Andrews researched. We will find the correlation iris signs concerning this genetic deficiency as stated above.
c) Suggest Pedunculated IPB / Teardrop formation of IPB, this one of the unique IPB and it indicate a  potential of prostate gland imbalance, again will confirming this inherited weakness with other sign in different zones of an iris.
d) Globular sign located at the superior nasal section of the pigmented retinal epithelium relate to intestinal dysbiosis, gastric ulcer and mental fatigue leading to depression.
e) Local absent of IPB at 153', of course leading to Space Risk & Spinal IPB consideration. Space Risk 19 concern with intestinal dysbiosis which correlate with Globular IPB, emotionally can be explained about fear of losing, difficulty accepting one's own ability and feeling unworthy of life ( Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito textbook "Space Risk" on emotional aspects of Space Risk). Spinal IPB concern with neuro-muscular tension at spinal cord of Sacrum area.
f) Squared IPB, definitely you know about this IPB stand for ! We should look at other iris sign to support what we have found in IPB tissues ! If both iris signs are correlated then the genetic weakness for an individual or family members is amplified. 
g) Double IPB formation at 294', one IPB tissue was overlapped each other, indicative  an inherited tendency to nervous and anxiety ! Obviously, this person is experience an emotional imbalance with stress, tension, nervous and depression possible at burnout point. This abnormal sign can be related to Space Risk 9 indicate cardiovascular problem which also corresponded to Palisade Fencesposts IPB ! Psycho-emotional can be result in rigidity, isolation, indecision and conflict.
h) Distorted S sign IPB ( a reserve " S " formation) at 295'~305' - Prolactin sign, tendency to Hyperprolactinaemia. This unique and abnormal sign also signify Space Risk evaluation, suggest Space Risk 9,8 & 7 indicates genetic predisposition to cardiovascular problem, trachea deficiency (amplified by Palisade Fenceposts IPB) and thyroid gland dysfunction ( amplified by Squared IPB).

"Accurate Analysis of Inner Pupillary Border will be the primary feature of Iridology to be integrated into medical thinking & practice"  by John Andrews 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Iris Signs at Internal & External Border of the Collarette in Modern Iridology Approach - Lx - (vanar) - c

Observe the crypt located at pupillary zone - 60', Lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette & minor ray located at internal border of the collarette. They are genetic signs and inherited by certain organ deficiency. Could you find out what is the correlation for these three iris signs ? Please refer to the Iris Pupillary Zone Topography, Modern Iridology Iris & Krebs Cycle Iris charts by John Andrews for answer ! The inheritance weakness of this person can be amplified by the crypt/defect located at 360' !
Embryological sign (crypt) at 60', Kreb's Cycle sign (minor ray) at 175' & lacuna located at pancreas reaction field, they are correlate genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.

Crypt Attached at the External Border of the Collarette - 360'- Hypothalamus & Time Risk Sign - Lx - (vanar) - b

Observe the crypt or defect sign attached on the border of the collarette at 360', this is an important iris sign for practitioner to pay attention for. The crypt located at this region indicate compromise in hypothalamus gland and an individual is experienced a birth trauma. It carry more weight if located at the pupillary zone ! Consider the hypothalamus gland and Time Risk evaluation.
1) Hypothalamus stress - 360'/0' 
a) The hypothalamus has central importance for all approaches in medicine, health and iridology.
b) It regulates the varied interactions of PNEI- this verifies the mind-body connection in medicine.
c) By the 5th week of gestation the hypothalamus has formed and the limbic system (emotional responses) is in place.
d) the hypothalamus is directly connected to the iris, pupil & IPB through neural pathways to and from the lateral geniculate bodies.
e) Stress in hypothalamus indicates increased susceptibility to stress, impaired adaptability, greater amount of adverse reactions, mitochondrial disease and compromise in limbic system.
2) Time Risk marking - 360'/0'
a) Birth Trauma marking !
b) A challenge of psychological 
c) Emotionally vulnerable time 
( The above statement is derived from  John Andrews)

Partial Atrophy & IPB Morphology - Lx - (vanar) - a

Male, 58
Could you identify this IPB morphology with general partial atrophy structure of the IPB in physical and emotional levels...
Suggest Target sign, psychologically it indicate an individual often feel unjustly persecuted,  who likes to be the center of attention. Genetically relate to anaemia in the medical family and personal history. Hepatitis is also presented with this Target sign along the IPB, according to John Andrews.
Partial Atrophy signify some of the IPB is atrophic or missing and the remainder are normal, hypotrophic or hypertrophic it indicates:
- Poor adaptability to stress
- Genetic history and personal reaction of a hormonal basis
- Neuroendocrine tendencies
- Hypothalamus & pineal disturbances
- Poor adaptation to stress resulting in immune compromise
- Reduced natural killer cells
- Insomnia
(Iris & Pupillary Signs, 3rd Edition, John Andrews)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Crypts, Minor Ray & Internal Lacunae at Pupillary Zone - Lx - (leela) - d

Female, 56
Observe the stairstep lacuna, multiple crypts & internal lacunae located at pupillary zone & lacuna at heart reaction field.Compare your findings with Rx-iris...
The importance iris signs can be presented as below:
a) Heart lacuna at 93' indicative personal predisposition and family history of heart problem, and amplified by cornea arcus.
b) Stairstep lacuna or "Rooftile lacuna" is a step ladder, in sloping formed of a pattern of three or more bars of stromal tissue dividing three small lacunae or crypts. They are found predominantly inside the collarette or pupillary zone, explained by John Andrews. In this case, the stairstep lacuna was located inside the pupillary zone at 58' :
- A serious marker showing a familial history of intestinal tumors  gastric ulceration and intestinal polyposis. The Globular & Triangle IPB amplified the incidence of intestinal tumor in the family history ! (refer IPB Morphologies & pupil Flattening - leela-a)
- It also indicate as a multidimensional iris sign relates to Embryological & Kreb's cycle evaluation.
- Embryologically relate to personal predisposition and family genetic history of blood sugar imbalance.
- Krebs' Cycle indicative of Citrate acid imbalance relates to fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances, allergy tendency, neurological dysfunction, lymphatic congestion, acid-balance disturbances, renal metabolism disturbances and influencing neurological function and bone structure.
c) Multiple crypts, internal lacuna and minor rays located at inside the pupillary zone, we have to consider as a multidimensional view, a map within maps. The suggested approach are Embryological, Kreb's Cycle & DHS. For external collarette border, Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette is recommended.
- First for all, multiple crypts or internal lacunae located within the pupillary zone often indicate the need for Heliobacter Pylori testing, endoscopy, coloscopy and haemoccult testing. These multiple crypts formation located inside the pupillary zone amplify this tendency and the integrity of MALT and the RES, according to John Andrews.
- It located in the intestinal topographies leading to Diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Intestinal Polyposis or Degradation of Intestinal Immunity (MALT) tendencies.
- Internal lacuna located at internal collarette border- 145' & major ray at 155' suggest embryologically relate to potential of thymus, bladder, appendix & duodenum stress, Kreb's Cycle can be result in Succinyl-CoA acid imbalance associate with blood sugar imbalance, Anaemia, mitochondrial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk.
- The major ray at 155' can be consider as Time Risk marking correspond to Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette assessment. 
   1) Potential traumatic event happened at the aged of 35.7 associate with 
         - The experience of a deep and profound trauma
         - Vaccination reaction
         - Extreme stress affecting the physical body
         - Deep evolution or realization 
   2) The experience of  deep-seated unresolved issue of betrayal 
   3) Classical view as ovarian stress, pay attention to the previous post indicative of uterus stress is highlighted by an indentation of the collarette-145' and minor ray at pupillary zone- 198' - Rx. 
- Internal lacuna at 170' & minor ray at 175' classical view reflect to sigmoid colon topography  embryological sign relate to uterus stress, possible of uterine fibroid (please check Rx). Kreb's Cycle relate to Coenzyme imbalance relate to kidney and heart deficiency.
- Crypt at internal collarette border - 188' embryological sign relate to bladder deficiency correlate with major ray at 155'.
- Multiple crypts at 188', 198', 212' & 224' concern with Citric Acid cycle approach,  associate with Succinate acid imbalance indicates stress and cardiovascular disturbances.
- Crypt at internal collarette border - 238' associate with Coenzyme Q imbalance.
- Please observe the crypt attached on the external border of the collarette - 200' as an important sign indicate genetic predisposition to uterus stress, possible of uterine fibroid. This genetic sign is been identified  via applying multidimensional approach and appeared in different layers of iris.
Please compare and integrate the findings  post in a,b,c & d labels.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Multidimensional Views - An Indentation of the Collarette at 145' - Rx - (leela) - c

A sharp indentation of the collarette forcing towards the pupil - 145' represent a multidimensional iris sign and is recommended to apply the multidimensional approach with the integration of different methods of iris analysis techniques as follow:
a) Classical or Physical (Gastrointestinal & Organ Topography)
b) Time Risk Marking (External Collarette Border)
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette (External Collarette Border)
d) Immunological (Collarette Border)
e) Citric Acid Cycle (Internal Collarette Border)
f) Embryological (Pupillary Zone)
g) Dirk Hamer Syndrome (Pupillary Zone)
h) The Immune Cells & PNEI (Collarette Border)
i) Love Iridology (External Collarette Border)
The approach is focusing on the external & internal collarette and pupillary zone. Please refer to John Andrews, Dr. Daniele Lo Rito & Dr. Ellen Tart's charts, articles and textbooks for interpret the above iris sign ! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Radial Furrows & Indentation of the Collarette - Rx - (leela) - b

Observe the multiple radial furrows either major and minor rays located at the frontal section of ciliary zone, minor ray at pupillary zone, local indentation of the collarette, contraction furrow at ciliary zone and cornea arcus at limbus. Please identify the important iris signs setting as priority sign to analyse !
I would like to emphasize an importance iris signs located in pupillary zone and attached on the external border of the collarette, the radial furrows emanating from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone and  Corneal Arcus, they are genetically inherited sign, will be explained and link with other findings that it amplifies the condition.
a) Minor ray/radial furrow located at 0'/360' indicate hypothalamus stress, experience of emotional crystallization of the limbic system, PNEI, immunological and endocrine system copmpromise. Time Risk marking concern with Birth Trauma. It also triggered for Diabetes Mellitus. Contraction furrow is considered as natural drainage channels, it do not develop in response to stress !
b) Local indentation of the collarette at 145' indicate stomach disturbances and possible stress in uterus. Suggest, taking assessment of Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
c) Solitary minor ray at 198' as embryological sign indicative of uterus deficiency, the indentation of the collarette at 145', both are significant correlate with uterus problem.
d) Consider radial furrow at 330' , Corneal Arcus and Triangle IPB, they are contributed  and amplified to the cardiovascular problem and liver stress involvement. 
e) Multiple minor rays located at external border of the collarette indicate intestinal mucosal difficulties and amplified by Globular and Triangle IPB !
f) Corneal Arcus is a genetic sign, it is very common in brown or mixed iris constitution, it is a sign indicate elevated cholesterol & lipids, pay more attention to a person who have this sign below the age of 50, it also link with liver dysfunction, arterial disease and endocrine imbalance.

IPB Morphologies & Pupil Flattening - Rx - (leela) - a

Female, 56
- Medical history of heart attacked problem
- Diabetes Mellitus
Please try to identify the IPB morphologies, each present their unique structure attached along the IPB tissues. Could you interpret it in physical and psycho-emotional levels ? Next coming post is to identify the iris signs in pupillary zone, collarette border, ciliary and limbus zone...
IPB Morphologies analysis :
a) & e) Squared IPB indicative of an individual or family medical history of thyroid imbalance, suggest further consult with her family members. Possible genetic history of hypothyroidism. In psycho-emotional perspective, a suppression of expression with father or paternal figure is highlighted.
b) Globular IPB indicative of gastrointestinal disturbances, possible dysbiosis, gastric ulcer and mental fatigue with depression tendency.  
c) Triangle IPB is predominantly concerned with gastrointestinal disturbances or gastric ulcer. A cornea arcus was formed at limbus it indicate a high lipid content and possible liver generation. Psychosomatic influence on gastro-intestinal disturbances and family history of intestinal carcinoma.
d) Two IPB tissues were overlapping to each other, suggest Double IPB, it illustrates an inherited emotional imbalance tendency to nervous and anxiety that amplified by hypothalamus stress, minor ray at 0'/360' ! Psycho-emotional relates to issues of slef-control and nervous irritation.
f) Observe this IPB tissue, it formed like distorted S sign IPB, further medical confirmation of menopausal symptoms, amenorrhoea, lactation and hyperprolactinaemia / HPRL which triggered by stress or tension tendencies is needed. The  stress in hypothalamus as compromise in limbic system can be triggered the above mentioned. Fluctuations in Prolactin levels leading to insomnia, depression and anxiety. Unresolved anger with one parent, possible with father, check Squared IPB !
g) U shaped IPB is highlighted.
When we identify the shape of IPB tissue or its morphology, more doesn't mean is good but less or unique is greater significant for practitioner to concern the genetic impact to this person.
h) Medial nasal flatness indicate an individual is predisposition to thyroid gland imbalance, emotional heart or breast problems.  Squared IPB is correlate to this genetic tendency of thyroid imbalance.
Take note the Globular and Triangle shaped IPB, both are indicate a inherited predisposition to gastrointestinal disturbances, we will look at the pupillary zone of her Lx-iris to confirm this genetic tendency.

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito stated that there are the IPB tissue that most frequently appear in singularity and unilateral. Only one isolated and unique shape appearing at a time in the IPB tissue of either the right or left iris. He said the so-called "abnormal & singularity" morphology is vital to be considered linking with Space Risk area in which it appears. It showing the value corresponding to that particular Space Risk.
The singularity (compared with Lx-IPB tissues) and abnormal shape of IPB are: (Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Inner Pupillary Border, 2000)
- Double IPB located at 270' correspond to Space Risk 12 indicative liver degeneration  (Cornea Arcus & Triangle IPB both are correlate with liver stress)
- S sign IPB at 335' correspond to Space Risk 4 indicative ENT problems.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Heart Lacuna Correspond to kidney Lacuna & Crypts at Pupillary Zone - Lx - (emran) - b

Observe the closed lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette at 78' of heart reaction field correspond to 170' at kidney reaction field and internal crypts located at descending colon reflex areas... What does it mean to practitioner ? what type of potential syndrome will be inherited to this person ?

May I suggest the above iris structure is fulfill the condition of Cardio-Abdominal & Romheld Syndrome, both are inherited signs. Please refer to John Andrews & Dr. Ellen Tart textbooks for explanation in physical and psycho-emotional levels.

Monday, June 10, 2013

IPB Morphology - Lx - (emran) - a

What type of IPB morphology can you observe to these IPB tissues ? What is the genetic inheritance weaknesses to the personal and family history ? May I suggest one of the IPB is U-shaped & another one is S sign IPB !

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Multiple Crypts Located at Pupillary Zone - (emran) - Rx - d

Observe the multiple crypts located at pupillary zone (digestion+absorption zones) especially located at internal collarette border, they are considered as multidimensional sign...

Multiple crypts located along the pupillary zone, grouping them together as some of them are overlapping to each other, they are multidimensional iris signs, analyse it with consider the Classical, Embryological and Citric Acid cycle approaches and identify the correlation signs with these three models.