Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hypertrophy of IPB & its Morphologies - Rx - (pakia) - a

Male, 62
Observe the extensive IPB morphologies or pigmented retinal epithelium along the IPB tissues, local absent of IPB and some abnormal IPB shapes are link to Space Risk consideration (please refer Inner Pupillary Border, 2000, pg.95,written by Dr. Daniele Lo Rito). The IPB findings will be applied to counter check the correlations with other iris signs located in pupillary zone, collarette border and external border of the collarette in next coming post...
a) Suggest U-shaped IPB, according to Dr. Dainele Lo Rito researched  this unique IPB indicative blocks derived from infantile traumas, suppression of expression and not to be feel integrated.
b) Frontal hypertrophy with Palisade Fenceposts formation of IPB, it indicates
- It concern with neuroendocrine imbalance, cause the frontal IPB structure is abnormal, distorted and hypertrophy, it also can be related to Space Risk 1 relate to hypothalamus stress and compromise in limbic system, emotional imbalance with stress and tension, possible of vertigo, headache, depletion of nerve energy,less resistance to emotional & physical trauma and PNEI alterations and compromise.
- The sectional hypertrophy of the IPB, can be classified as Neurolappen or Nerve Rag. It also indicate a genetic tendency to nervous sensitivities with anxiety & tension and possible depression that amplified by Space Risk 1.
- The Palisade Fenceposts is located frontally, it concern about a family medical history of cardiac disturbances stemming from hypersensitivity of the nervous system and also asthma plus recurrent bronchitis due to inhibition of the MALT, as according to John Andrews researched. We will find the correlation iris signs concerning this genetic deficiency as stated above.
c) Suggest Pedunculated IPB / Teardrop formation of IPB, this one of the unique IPB and it indicate a  potential of prostate gland imbalance, again will confirming this inherited weakness with other sign in different zones of an iris.
d) Globular sign located at the superior nasal section of the pigmented retinal epithelium relate to intestinal dysbiosis, gastric ulcer and mental fatigue leading to depression.
e) Local absent of IPB at 153', of course leading to Space Risk & Spinal IPB consideration. Space Risk 19 concern with intestinal dysbiosis which correlate with Globular IPB, emotionally can be explained about fear of losing, difficulty accepting one's own ability and feeling unworthy of life ( Please refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito textbook "Space Risk" on emotional aspects of Space Risk). Spinal IPB concern with neuro-muscular tension at spinal cord of Sacrum area.
f) Squared IPB, definitely you know about this IPB stand for ! We should look at other iris sign to support what we have found in IPB tissues ! If both iris signs are correlated then the genetic weakness for an individual or family members is amplified. 
g) Double IPB formation at 294', one IPB tissue was overlapped each other, indicative  an inherited tendency to nervous and anxiety ! Obviously, this person is experience an emotional imbalance with stress, tension, nervous and depression possible at burnout point. This abnormal sign can be related to Space Risk 9 indicate cardiovascular problem which also corresponded to Palisade Fencesposts IPB ! Psycho-emotional can be result in rigidity, isolation, indecision and conflict.
h) Distorted S sign IPB ( a reserve " S " formation) at 295'~305' - Prolactin sign, tendency to Hyperprolactinaemia. This unique and abnormal sign also signify Space Risk evaluation, suggest Space Risk 9,8 & 7 indicates genetic predisposition to cardiovascular problem, trachea deficiency (amplified by Palisade Fenceposts IPB) and thyroid gland dysfunction ( amplified by Squared IPB).

"Accurate Analysis of Inner Pupillary Border will be the primary feature of Iridology to be integrated into medical thinking & practice"  by John Andrews 

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