Monday, June 24, 2013

Iris Signs at Internal & External Border of the Collarette in Modern Iridology Approach - Lx - (vanar) - c

Observe the crypt located at pupillary zone - 60', Lacuna attached on the external border of the collarette & minor ray located at internal border of the collarette. They are genetic signs and inherited by certain organ deficiency. Could you find out what is the correlation for these three iris signs ? Please refer to the Iris Pupillary Zone Topography, Modern Iridology Iris & Krebs Cycle Iris charts by John Andrews for answer ! The inheritance weakness of this person can be amplified by the crypt/defect located at 360' !
Embryological sign (crypt) at 60', Kreb's Cycle sign (minor ray) at 175' & lacuna located at pancreas reaction field, they are correlate genetic tendency to blood sugar imbalance.

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