Monday, June 24, 2013

Crypt Attached at the External Border of the Collarette - 360'- Hypothalamus & Time Risk Sign - Lx - (vanar) - b

Observe the crypt or defect sign attached on the border of the collarette at 360', this is an important iris sign for practitioner to pay attention for. The crypt located at this region indicate compromise in hypothalamus gland and an individual is experienced a birth trauma. It carry more weight if located at the pupillary zone ! Consider the hypothalamus gland and Time Risk evaluation.
1) Hypothalamus stress - 360'/0' 
a) The hypothalamus has central importance for all approaches in medicine, health and iridology.
b) It regulates the varied interactions of PNEI- this verifies the mind-body connection in medicine.
c) By the 5th week of gestation the hypothalamus has formed and the limbic system (emotional responses) is in place.
d) the hypothalamus is directly connected to the iris, pupil & IPB through neural pathways to and from the lateral geniculate bodies.
e) Stress in hypothalamus indicates increased susceptibility to stress, impaired adaptability, greater amount of adverse reactions, mitochondrial disease and compromise in limbic system.
2) Time Risk marking - 360'/0'
a) Birth Trauma marking !
b) A challenge of psychological 
c) Emotionally vulnerable time 
( The above statement is derived from  John Andrews)

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