Friday, June 21, 2013

Radial Furrows & Indentation of the Collarette - Rx - (leela) - b

Observe the multiple radial furrows either major and minor rays located at the frontal section of ciliary zone, minor ray at pupillary zone, local indentation of the collarette, contraction furrow at ciliary zone and cornea arcus at limbus. Please identify the important iris signs setting as priority sign to analyse !
I would like to emphasize an importance iris signs located in pupillary zone and attached on the external border of the collarette, the radial furrows emanating from the border of the collarette to ciliary zone and  Corneal Arcus, they are genetically inherited sign, will be explained and link with other findings that it amplifies the condition.
a) Minor ray/radial furrow located at 0'/360' indicate hypothalamus stress, experience of emotional crystallization of the limbic system, PNEI, immunological and endocrine system copmpromise. Time Risk marking concern with Birth Trauma. It also triggered for Diabetes Mellitus. Contraction furrow is considered as natural drainage channels, it do not develop in response to stress !
b) Local indentation of the collarette at 145' indicate stomach disturbances and possible stress in uterus. Suggest, taking assessment of Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
c) Solitary minor ray at 198' as embryological sign indicative of uterus deficiency, the indentation of the collarette at 145', both are significant correlate with uterus problem.
d) Consider radial furrow at 330' , Corneal Arcus and Triangle IPB, they are contributed  and amplified to the cardiovascular problem and liver stress involvement. 
e) Multiple minor rays located at external border of the collarette indicate intestinal mucosal difficulties and amplified by Globular and Triangle IPB !
f) Corneal Arcus is a genetic sign, it is very common in brown or mixed iris constitution, it is a sign indicate elevated cholesterol & lipids, pay more attention to a person who have this sign below the age of 50, it also link with liver dysfunction, arterial disease and endocrine imbalance.

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