Friday, June 21, 2013

IPB Morphologies & Pupil Flattening - Rx - (leela) - a

Female, 56
- Medical history of heart attacked problem
- Diabetes Mellitus
Please try to identify the IPB morphologies, each present their unique structure attached along the IPB tissues. Could you interpret it in physical and psycho-emotional levels ? Next coming post is to identify the iris signs in pupillary zone, collarette border, ciliary and limbus zone...
IPB Morphologies analysis :
a) & e) Squared IPB indicative of an individual or family medical history of thyroid imbalance, suggest further consult with her family members. Possible genetic history of hypothyroidism. In psycho-emotional perspective, a suppression of expression with father or paternal figure is highlighted.
b) Globular IPB indicative of gastrointestinal disturbances, possible dysbiosis, gastric ulcer and mental fatigue with depression tendency.  
c) Triangle IPB is predominantly concerned with gastrointestinal disturbances or gastric ulcer. A cornea arcus was formed at limbus it indicate a high lipid content and possible liver generation. Psychosomatic influence on gastro-intestinal disturbances and family history of intestinal carcinoma.
d) Two IPB tissues were overlapping to each other, suggest Double IPB, it illustrates an inherited emotional imbalance tendency to nervous and anxiety that amplified by hypothalamus stress, minor ray at 0'/360' ! Psycho-emotional relates to issues of slef-control and nervous irritation.
f) Observe this IPB tissue, it formed like distorted S sign IPB, further medical confirmation of menopausal symptoms, amenorrhoea, lactation and hyperprolactinaemia / HPRL which triggered by stress or tension tendencies is needed. The  stress in hypothalamus as compromise in limbic system can be triggered the above mentioned. Fluctuations in Prolactin levels leading to insomnia, depression and anxiety. Unresolved anger with one parent, possible with father, check Squared IPB !
g) U shaped IPB is highlighted.
When we identify the shape of IPB tissue or its morphology, more doesn't mean is good but less or unique is greater significant for practitioner to concern the genetic impact to this person.
h) Medial nasal flatness indicate an individual is predisposition to thyroid gland imbalance, emotional heart or breast problems.  Squared IPB is correlate to this genetic tendency of thyroid imbalance.
Take note the Globular and Triangle shaped IPB, both are indicate a inherited predisposition to gastrointestinal disturbances, we will look at the pupillary zone of her Lx-iris to confirm this genetic tendency.

Dr. Daniele Lo Rito stated that there are the IPB tissue that most frequently appear in singularity and unilateral. Only one isolated and unique shape appearing at a time in the IPB tissue of either the right or left iris. He said the so-called "abnormal & singularity" morphology is vital to be considered linking with Space Risk area in which it appears. It showing the value corresponding to that particular Space Risk.
The singularity (compared with Lx-IPB tissues) and abnormal shape of IPB are: (Dr. Daniele Lo Rito, Inner Pupillary Border, 2000)
- Double IPB located at 270' correspond to Space Risk 12 indicative liver degeneration  (Cornea Arcus & Triangle IPB both are correlate with liver stress)
- S sign IPB at 335' correspond to Space Risk 4 indicative ENT problems.

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