Sunday, November 19, 2017

Solitary Brown Pigment at Internal Collarette Border - M3 - Lx & Rx


1) Solitary brown pigment located at internal collarette border - 175' indicates:
a)  Embryological sign relate to uterus insufficiency, possibility in acute/pain condition. Observe the lacuna attached on the ventral collarette section - 200' predisposition to uterus stress.
b) Conditions associated with Pyruvic acid imbalance, tendency to diabetes mellitus and hepatic stress.
2) Lacuna attached at external border of the collarette - 160' tendency to cervix stress.
3) Multiple lacunae attached to the external border of the collarette - 95' indicates family medical history of heart related problems
4) Medial nasal pupil flatness amplified the genetic tendency to cardiovascular risk !
5) Explain the Yellow Central Heterochromia & Brushfield's Spots 
6) Restricted collarette relates to Maternal DNA dominance.

1) Lacuna at 172' co-sign with brown pigment indicates cervix stress possible with acute/pain condition.
2) Heart lacuna at 275 !
3) Radial furrow radiate at 356' indicates Pyruvic acid imbalance associated with blood sugar imbalance and hepatic stress.
4) Embryological sign at internal collarette border - 305' tendency to gall bladder & liver insufficiency, malic acid imbalance associated with fatigue & blood sugar imbalance.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Inferior Nasal Flatness, Closed Lacuna & Embryological Signs - Uterine - Ek - Rx

a) Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness indicates predisposition to history of sacral, lumbar & coccyx disturbances, possibility of osteoporosis or rheumatism. Possible of renal disturbances, gout, polycystic kidneys and urinary infection. This pupil flatness also correlate with uterine problems (uterine fibroid)
b) Lacuna attached to the ventral section of the collarette - 165' indicate predisposition to uterus/uterine insufficiency. The inferior nasal flatness can be supported or amplified this genetic weakness.
c) Internal lacuna located at embryological pupillary zone - 185'  which indicates uterus insufficiency as well.
d) Internal lacuna located at internal collarette border - 260' & 270' represent  family medical history of lungs and breast related problems.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hypothalamus, Stress Axis, Hypertrophy, Linear Collarette, Indented & Internal Collarette - Bev - Rx

Explain & identify  the below findings ;
1) Radial Furrows located at 360' & 180'
a) The Stress Axis for the Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal gland.
b) Time Risk.
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
d) The Chronobiological time for radial furrow at 180'.
e) Embryological & CAC approaches.
2) Superior nasal pupil flatness in physical, emotional and spinal reflex approaches.
3) Multiple radial furrows at frontal border of the collarette - 340', 360' & 15' in physical approach.
4) Multiple Linear Collarette 
5) Lacunae penetrated to the external border of the collarette - 70' & 112' 
a) The correlation of these 2 genetic lacunae in classical approach
b) Time Risk factor & Emotional imbalance.
c) When is the best biological time for taking blood sugar imbalance/diabetes medicine ?
6) Embryological lacuna at internal collarette border - 235'
7) The correlations of emotional issue with indented lacuna at 70' & internal lacuna at 235' ? 

Solitary Brown Pigment Located at External Collarette Border - 95' & Lacuna at Internal Collarette Border - 305' Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Pupillary Zones - Mc - Rx

1) Brown pigment located at the external border of the collarette - 95' as multidimensional sign which indicates:
a) Time Risk / traumatic event happened at the age of 45-46 or gestation month of 7.
b) Emotional difficulties/pain concerned with masculine figure or father, possible of anger and resentment issues. 
c) Physical relate to thyroid insufficiency. The Medial Nasal Pupil flatness adjacent to the brown pigment at 95' which indicates a tendency thyroid imbalance as well.
d) The best chronobiological time for taking the medicine - 6pm.
e) Brown pigment represent potential of liver and gall bladder deficiency.
2) Internal lacuna located at internal border of the collarette - 305' indicates:
a) Embryological sign to gall bladder imbalance.
b) Possible family medical history of blood sugar imbalance/diabetes - CAC approach
c) Emotional conflict with parent, possibly with father ( refer the findings 1b)
3) An indented lacuna - 285' indicates predisposition to cardiovascular risk. The Medial Nasal Pupil flatness which also hint for checking cardiac history with conditions such as arrhythmia and angina pectoris. 

Multiple Brown Pigments - Rx & Lx - SS


Multiple brown pigments located at ciliary zones indicate a tendency to liver and gall bladder disturbances. Observe the brown pigment intercept with contraction furrow at 260' reflexive of of lung areas, possibility of lung stress.


a) Brown pigment located at external border of the collarette - 25' indicates Time Risk factor.
b) Brown pigment adjacent to the IPB - 200' indicate possible pain at hip/ arthritis - Space Risk 25

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Pupil Flattenings - Lx & Rx - J.K

Left iris 

Right Iris

Left & Right Iris
Observe the pupil flatness at Medial Nasal and Lateral Temporal areas, they are indicate tendencies to breathing difficulties ( possible asthma), thyroid gland imbalance, cardiac history with condition such as Arrhythmia and Angina Pectoris, and family medical history of breast related problems.
Please take note that a solitary closed lacuna attached & penetrated to the border of the collarette at 280' indicates tendencies to :
a) Genetic inheritance to cardiovascular problem.( The lacuna adjacent to the Pupil lateral temporal flatness)
b) Emotional suppression / A psychological challenge.
c) Time Risk / Traumatic event happened at the aged of 13 to 14.