Saturday, November 11, 2017

Pupil Flattenings - Lx & Rx - J.K

Left iris 

Right Iris

Left & Right Iris
Observe the pupil flatness at Medial Nasal and Lateral Temporal areas, they are indicate tendencies to breathing difficulties ( possible asthma), thyroid gland imbalance, cardiac history with condition such as Arrhythmia and Angina Pectoris, and family medical history of breast related problems.
Please take note that a solitary closed lacuna attached & penetrated to the border of the collarette at 280' indicates tendencies to :
a) Genetic inheritance to cardiovascular problem.( The lacuna adjacent to the Pupil lateral temporal flatness)
b) Emotional suppression / A psychological challenge.
c) Time Risk / Traumatic event happened at the aged of 13 to 14.

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