Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hypothalamus, Stress Axis, Hypertrophy, Linear Collarette, Indented & Internal Collarette - Bev - Rx

Explain & identify  the below findings ;
1) Radial Furrows located at 360' & 180'
a) The Stress Axis for the Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal gland.
b) Time Risk.
c) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette.
d) The Chronobiological time for radial furrow at 180'.
e) Embryological & CAC approaches.
2) Superior nasal pupil flatness in physical, emotional and spinal reflex approaches.
3) Multiple radial furrows at frontal border of the collarette - 340', 360' & 15' in physical approach.
4) Multiple Linear Collarette 
5) Lacunae penetrated to the external border of the collarette - 70' & 112' 
a) The correlation of these 2 genetic lacunae in classical approach
b) Time Risk factor & Emotional imbalance.
c) When is the best biological time for taking blood sugar imbalance/diabetes medicine ?
6) Embryological lacuna at internal collarette border - 235'
7) The correlations of emotional issue with indented lacuna at 70' & internal lacuna at 235' ? 

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