Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Inferior Nasal Flatness, Closed Lacuna & Embryological Signs - Uterine - Ek - Rx

a) Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness indicates predisposition to history of sacral, lumbar & coccyx disturbances, possibility of osteoporosis or rheumatism. Possible of renal disturbances, gout, polycystic kidneys and urinary infection. This pupil flatness also correlate with uterine problems (uterine fibroid)
b) Lacuna attached to the ventral section of the collarette - 165' indicate predisposition to uterus/uterine insufficiency. The inferior nasal flatness can be supported or amplified this genetic weakness.
c) Internal lacuna located at embryological pupillary zone - 185'  which indicates uterus insufficiency as well.
d) Internal lacuna located at internal collarette border - 260' & 270' represent  family medical history of lungs and breast related problems.

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