Sunday, November 12, 2017

Solitary Brown Pigment Located at External Collarette Border - 95' & Lacuna at Internal Collarette Border - 305' Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Pupillary Zones - Mc - Rx

1) Brown pigment located at the external border of the collarette - 95' as multidimensional sign which indicates:
a) Time Risk / traumatic event happened at the age of 45-46 or gestation month of 7.
b) Emotional difficulties/pain concerned with masculine figure or father, possible of anger and resentment issues. 
c) Physical relate to thyroid insufficiency. The Medial Nasal Pupil flatness adjacent to the brown pigment at 95' which indicates a tendency thyroid imbalance as well.
d) The best chronobiological time for taking the medicine - 6pm.
e) Brown pigment represent potential of liver and gall bladder deficiency.
2) Internal lacuna located at internal border of the collarette - 305' indicates:
a) Embryological sign to gall bladder imbalance.
b) Possible family medical history of blood sugar imbalance/diabetes - CAC approach
c) Emotional conflict with parent, possibly with father ( refer the findings 1b)
3) An indented lacuna - 285' indicates predisposition to cardiovascular risk. The Medial Nasal Pupil flatness which also hint for checking cardiac history with conditions such as arrhythmia and angina pectoris. 

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