Sunday, January 31, 2016

Brown Pigment Adjacent to the IPB at 100' - Rx - 1

Observe a brown pigment adjacent to the IPB at 100' , what does it indicate to this person ?
In Modern & Multidimensional Iridology approach, this  is a very important iris sign that genetically revealed Space deficiency, physiological stress and emotional conflict in family relationship. The brown pigment attached or adjacent to the border of the IPB at 100' signify Space Risk 14 indicates pancreatic dysfunction & duodenum possibly  in pain or chronic condition, blood sugar imbalance, liver insufficiency and resentment issue with father principle / masculine figure.

Contracted Orange Pigmented Collarette & Phytobiophysics - Rx

a) Observe and analyze the Radial Furrow at 360' signify as hypothalamus stress or limbic system imbalance.
b) Indentation of the ventral collarette at 185' indicate tendency to adrenal and cervical stress.
c) Solitary small lacuna / crypt located at external of the collarette border - 75'  indicate thyroid gland dysfunction this genetic condition can be amplified with a Contracted Collarette structure !
d) The above 3 iris signs can be as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette signs - unresolved emotional issues of fear and  conflict family relationship with maternal principle. Predominant with maternal DNA.
e) Explain the orange pigmented with Restricted Collarette structure in physical & emotional levels
- Blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction
- Tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines.
- Lymphatic congestion
- Tendency to ENT disorders amplified by hypothalamus stress at 360'
- Self contained, feeling of insecurity, fear of "letting go" and fear of independence
f) Minor ray located at internal collarette border - 10' as Citric Acid Cycle sign - Pyruvic acid imbalance indicates diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity and hepatic stress.
g) Multiple local linear collarette structure indicate insulin sensitivity / diabetes mellitus
h)  HP4 Emotional Imun T, SF4, SF8, HF1, HF7, HF9 & HF16
i) Emotional Journey, 3 times/day
j) Personal Biological Clock : 75' ( HP4, SF4 & SF4), 185' (SF8 & HF16) & 360' (HF1)

Ventral Distention Collarette & Der Tachyphagenring

Observe and analyze the Distention Ventral Section of the Collarette & Solitary Contraction Furrow running in the pupillary zone (Der Tachyphagenring).

Pupillary Zone Neuron Network

Pupillary Zone Neuron Network indicates tendency to functional disturbances of the gastrointestinal system...

Peripheral Iris Signs - Rarefaction Iris Fibers, Yellow Brushfield's Spot & Contraction Furrows

1) Explain the Yellow Brushfield's Spot in physical & emotional levels.
2) Rarefaction of iris fibers structure, generally indicates low resistance or degenerate physical activity in the given area.
3) Contraction Furrow terminating at the rarefaction iris fiber areas indicate oxidative stress in the given area..

Internal Lacunae & Collarette Bridges - Lx

Observe the multiple Collarette Bridges crossing the internal lacuna at internal collarette border this is a multidimensional iris sign !

Closed Lacunae at External Border of the Collarette - Rx

Which closed lacuna do you think is leading to greater genetic impact to this person ?

Contraction Furrows Intercepting / Terminating at Closed Lacunae - Rx

This type of combination signs might indicate at a distinct shortage of blood flow at the topographical areas...

Iris Signs at Internal & External Border of the Collarette - Rx

a) When you analyze the Polyglandular structure, find the smaller and indented sign / lacuna attached on the border of the collarette.
b) Modern Iridologist should set priority to observe the signs at pupillary zone / internal collarette border before analyzing a sign at external border of the collarette or ciliary zone.
c) For this iris example, crypts / internal lacunae/ defect signs at pupillary zone - 67', 92', 150', 192', 227' 250', 310', 325' & 328' , they are important iris signs compare to those located at external collarette border, why ?
d) If the signs at external collarette border, look for the sign are smaller, sharp indentation to pupillary zone & co-sign with pigment or transversal.
e) Analyze the genetic lacunae co-sign with contraction furrows at 267' & 295' ! 

Differentiation of Local Collarette Structure - Rx

Differentiation & Dynamics of the Collarette Structure :
a) Explain the Erratic Collarette structure
b) Linear Collarette
c) Double Collarette
d) Local Medial Nasal Section of  Distended Collarette
e) Local Indentation of the Ventral Section of the Collarette

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Orange Central Heterochromia, Ferrum Chromatosis, Squared Collarette & Iris Signs at Pupillary Zone - Lx

a) Observe the iris signs located at pupillary zone & internal collarette border by applying Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Cellular Iridology Models.
b) Radial Furrow penetrated from the border collarette to the edge of pupil at 345' indicate Time Risk sign, Limbic System & Pyruvic acid imbalance.
c) Minor rays located at pupillary zone - 10', 325' & 335' associated with Oxaloacetate acid imbalance and Embryological pituitary stress.
d) Internal lacuna at pupillary zone - 105', embryological relate to adrenal stress and fatigue, CAC concern with Alpha-Ketoglutarate acid imbalance, attention to cardiac fatigue.
e) Internal lacuna at pupillary zone - 160' embryological associated with uterus stress/uterine fibroid. Kreb's Cycle relate to Co-enzyme A acid imbalance which indicates anaemia, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk tendency. 
f) Explain the genetic weaknesses of Orange Central Heterochromia & Ferrum Chromatosis.
g) Explain the Squared Collarette structure.
h) HP2, SF3, SF6, HF11, HF13 & HF15 
i) Personal Biological signs - critical time at 345' / 1 am. 105' & 160'  for subsequent best taking time, 3 times/day as Emotional journey

The Didfferentiation of Local Collarette Structure - Erratic/ Misshapen, Hypertrophy, Linear, Bridges, Local Pigmented & Indentation of the Collarette - Lx

Explain the differentiation of local collarette structure in physical & emotional approaches
a) Erratic & Hypertrophy Collarette 
b) Local Linear collarette
c) Collarette Bridge
d) Local Double Collarette
e) Local Pigmented Collarette
f) Local Indentation of the Collarette

Monday, January 04, 2016

Differntiation of Time Risk Signs - Rx & Lx

 Observe the dirrentiation of  Time Risk signs, which one is considered the most important sign ?
   1) Orange Pigment co-sign with lacuna at 135'
  2)  Local indented lacuna co-sign with orange pigment 102' 
 3) Collarette Bridge - TR 2
 4) Local indentation of the lacuna - TR3

Pigment Dispersion Syndrome & Time Risk Sign

a) According to John Andrews research, the Pigment Dispersion Syndrome is due to a maternal lack of Vitamin C, hypothalamic pathway & compromise of PNEI. 
b) Orange pigment attached on the external border of the collarette, always refer to as multidimensional sign !

Multiple Pupil Flattenings, Pigments at Pupillary Border & Local Indentation of the Collarette at 360' - Lx

a) Local indentation of the collarette at 360' 
b) Multiple Pupil Flatness - FF, ITF, INF & SNF
c) Explain the combination iris signs of  local indentation of the collarette at 360' & Frontal Pupil Flatness.
d) What are the genetic indication of orange pigment attached on the edge of pupil at 120' is a multidimensional sign.
- That could be indicate a chronic pain in hip of this person
- Kidney insufficiency in Space Risk 17
- Orange pigment indicate blood sugar imbalance
- Orange pigment located at stomach zone relate to father principle issues
e) Internal lacuna located at internal collarette border - 283' associated with Malic acid imbalance, indicate fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, prediabetes ( enhanced by orange pigment).
f) Could you analyse a orange pigment at pupillary zone - 200' adjacent to Inferior Nasal Flatness !
g) Identify the local muscular tensions at spinal cord areas.
h) HP5 Structurel Integrity, SF8, SF9, HF18, HF19 & HF20

Minor Ray at 360', Brown CH, Pupil Flatness & Melanin Pigments - Lx

a) A very important solitary brown pigment located at external border of the collarette at 200' classified as vital Multidimensional iris sign that can be analyzed as :
- Time Risk : Traumatic event / deep unresolved emotional trauma happened at the age of 23.
- Psycho-emotional issue of anger, resentment and worries, possibly with depression. This situation can be amplified with Radial Furrow located at 360' indicate hypothalamus stress.
b) Observe another important Time Risk sign - Collarette Bridge at mid-point the age of 35.7.
c) New Embryological Hypothalamus stress at internal collarette border - 360' 
- Impaired adaptability in all situations
- Greater degree of adverse reactions
- An increased susceptibility to stress
- Impaired to endocrine & immune system
e) Minor ray / radial furrow at internal collarette border - 360' & 40' in cellular level relates to Pyruvic & Citric acids imbalance indicates diabetes mellitus/ blood sugar imbalance (amplified by Orange CH & Collarette Bridge), hepatic steatosis (amplified by brown pigment), indigestion ( amplified by Orange CH), neurological dysfunction, lymphatic congestion, acid-based balance disturbances, fatigue and renal metabolism disturbances (amplified by Inferior Nasal Flatness)
f) Multiple Radial Furrows located at external border of the collarette - 310', 330' & 347' represents tonsillitis & sinusitis problems which amplified by Superior Nasal Flatness that might in chronic condition. 
g) HP2, SF3, SF6, HF4, HF12 & HF15, 3 times/ day, 12am, 10.40am & 2.20pm

Sunday, January 03, 2016

Pigments Size, Density & Location in Physical, Emotional Approaches & Phytobiophysics - Rx

1) Identify the smallest pigments and location which nearest to pupil &  pupillary zone:
    a) Brown pigment located at border of the collarette - 75' & 220' that indicates Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette & Time Risk sign.
   b) Smallest pigment at 105' which nearest to the external border of the collarette.
2) Radial furrow at 356' adjacent to frontal pupil flatness, consider the psycho-emotional issues combine together with the findings of brown pigments attached on the border of the collarette. 
3) Analyse the multiple pupil flatness - Frontal Flatness, Medial Nasal Flatness & Inferior Nasal Flatness in physical & emotional levels. 
4) Analyze a crypt located at internal collarette border - 120'  in Embryological & CAC levels.
5) Explain the emotional imbalance connect to a brown pigment.
6) Could you identify which location of brown pigments attached the emotional issues of resentment, worry & conflict relationship with family members ? 
7) Explain the physical & emotional imbalance of Square Collarette structure on this iris. 
8) Phytobiophysics Treatments :
    a) Heart Power 2 - Tri-Cuspid Constitution / HP2 Spiritual Calm - Hypothalamus, Liver & Pancreas imbalances. The findings as follows:
        - Multiple brown pigments : liver & gall bladder insufficiency 
        - Crypt located internal collarette border - 120' & Squared Collarette structure : blood sugar     imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction
        - Radial Furrow at 356'  & Frontal Pupil Flatness : Hypothalamus stress, depression, sleep disorder, stress and anxiety
        - Medial Nasal Flatness : Family issue of father / son conflicts, possibly amplified by squared collarette
      b) Superfit Tree Formulas - SF2 KARM &  SF3 RE*LAX 
      c) Flower Formulas - HF3 MIG HARMONY, HF12 DIGEST HARMONY & HF15 PAN.S HARMONY
     d) Time Risk / Definition at radial furrow at 356' & brown pigments at 220' & 75' -  60.80/months, 23 & 47
    e) Emotional journey / Dosages - 3 times
    f) Personal Biological Time : 12.20am, 9.20am & 7.40pm for best taking Phytobiophysics formulas

Brown & Orange Pigments - Rx

Observe the melanin pigments at 240', 260 & orange pigment at 265' in triangle axis formation. In addition, Collarette Bridge at mid-point - 255' classified as Time Risk sign !

Medial Nasal Flatness, Solitary Brown Pigment & Lacunae - Rx

Observe and analyse the Medial Nasal Flatness conjunction to lacunae intercepting with contraction furrows at 77' & 95' indicates core predisposition to thyroid gland imbalance, breathing related problem and family history of cardiovascular problem. Solitary brown pigment located at the ventral section of the collarette border - 185' indicate a focus for stress & tension to adrenal, liver deficiency, emotional issues of anger & resentment and feeling of fear and predominantly inheritance Paternal DNA . This person may experience traumatic event the age of 29. Suggest, HP3, SF4, SF5, HF10, HF11 & HF12 for treating thyroid gland dysfunction, cardiovascular problem, breathing difficulties and impaired liver.

Pupil Flattenings & Brown Central Heterochromia - Lx

Analyse multiple Pupil Flattenings (superior temporal, inferior temporal & inferior nasal) Radial Furrows radiating from the collarette border to ciliary zone and Brown Central Heterochromia of Mixed Biliary Iris Constitution.

Friday, January 01, 2016

Lipemic Diathesis, Hypertrophy, Linear Collarette, Radial Furrows, Contraction Furrows Intercepting with Dark Brown Pigment, Lacunae & Rarefaction Iris Fibers - Rx

a) Observe radial furrows & lacuna at 360', 335' & 40' adjacent to frontal flatness of the collarette, analyse it physical, emotional and can refer as Time Risk signs.
b) Observe lacuna intercepted with contraction furrow at 40'
c) An important sign - radial furrow at 360' signify as Hypothalamus stress
d) Dark brown pigment intercepting contraction furrow at 150' indicate a tendency to liver stress and topolabile at uterus areas, possibly susceptibility to uterine fibroid.
e) Rarefaction of iris fibers accompanied with lacuna at reflexive lung area - 270'
f) Explain frontal flatness of the collarette, linear collarette and lateral temporal absent of the collarette.

The New Emerging Science of Life & Consciousness Conference 2016

The New Emerging Science of Life & Consciousness Conference 2016
If you're interested in this conference, you may contact Phytobiophysics +603-78861292, ticket can be purchase from us.
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2016
Venue: Persatuan Alumni University Malaya (PAUM) - Club House Lot 10476. Jalan Susur Damansara. Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan 50480