Monday, January 04, 2016

Minor Ray at 360', Brown CH, Pupil Flatness & Melanin Pigments - Lx

a) A very important solitary brown pigment located at external border of the collarette at 200' classified as vital Multidimensional iris sign that can be analyzed as :
- Time Risk : Traumatic event / deep unresolved emotional trauma happened at the age of 23.
- Psycho-emotional issue of anger, resentment and worries, possibly with depression. This situation can be amplified with Radial Furrow located at 360' indicate hypothalamus stress.
b) Observe another important Time Risk sign - Collarette Bridge at mid-point the age of 35.7.
c) New Embryological Hypothalamus stress at internal collarette border - 360' 
- Impaired adaptability in all situations
- Greater degree of adverse reactions
- An increased susceptibility to stress
- Impaired to endocrine & immune system
e) Minor ray / radial furrow at internal collarette border - 360' & 40' in cellular level relates to Pyruvic & Citric acids imbalance indicates diabetes mellitus/ blood sugar imbalance (amplified by Orange CH & Collarette Bridge), hepatic steatosis (amplified by brown pigment), indigestion ( amplified by Orange CH), neurological dysfunction, lymphatic congestion, acid-based balance disturbances, fatigue and renal metabolism disturbances (amplified by Inferior Nasal Flatness)
f) Multiple Radial Furrows located at external border of the collarette - 310', 330' & 347' represents tonsillitis & sinusitis problems which amplified by Superior Nasal Flatness that might in chronic condition. 
g) HP2, SF3, SF6, HF4, HF12 & HF15, 3 times/ day, 12am, 10.40am & 2.20pm

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