Monday, January 04, 2016

Multiple Pupil Flattenings, Pigments at Pupillary Border & Local Indentation of the Collarette at 360' - Lx

a) Local indentation of the collarette at 360' 
b) Multiple Pupil Flatness - FF, ITF, INF & SNF
c) Explain the combination iris signs of  local indentation of the collarette at 360' & Frontal Pupil Flatness.
d) What are the genetic indication of orange pigment attached on the edge of pupil at 120' is a multidimensional sign.
- That could be indicate a chronic pain in hip of this person
- Kidney insufficiency in Space Risk 17
- Orange pigment indicate blood sugar imbalance
- Orange pigment located at stomach zone relate to father principle issues
e) Internal lacuna located at internal collarette border - 283' associated with Malic acid imbalance, indicate fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, prediabetes ( enhanced by orange pigment).
f) Could you analyse a orange pigment at pupillary zone - 200' adjacent to Inferior Nasal Flatness !
g) Identify the local muscular tensions at spinal cord areas.
h) HP5 Structurel Integrity, SF8, SF9, HF18, HF19 & HF20

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