Sunday, January 03, 2016

Medial Nasal Flatness, Solitary Brown Pigment & Lacunae - Rx

Observe and analyse the Medial Nasal Flatness conjunction to lacunae intercepting with contraction furrows at 77' & 95' indicates core predisposition to thyroid gland imbalance, breathing related problem and family history of cardiovascular problem. Solitary brown pigment located at the ventral section of the collarette border - 185' indicate a focus for stress & tension to adrenal, liver deficiency, emotional issues of anger & resentment and feeling of fear and predominantly inheritance Paternal DNA . This person may experience traumatic event the age of 29. Suggest, HP3, SF4, SF5, HF10, HF11 & HF12 for treating thyroid gland dysfunction, cardiovascular problem, breathing difficulties and impaired liver.

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