Sunday, January 31, 2016

Contracted Orange Pigmented Collarette & Phytobiophysics - Rx

a) Observe and analyze the Radial Furrow at 360' signify as hypothalamus stress or limbic system imbalance.
b) Indentation of the ventral collarette at 185' indicate tendency to adrenal and cervical stress.
c) Solitary small lacuna / crypt located at external of the collarette border - 75'  indicate thyroid gland dysfunction this genetic condition can be amplified with a Contracted Collarette structure !
d) The above 3 iris signs can be as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette signs - unresolved emotional issues of fear and  conflict family relationship with maternal principle. Predominant with maternal DNA.
e) Explain the orange pigmented with Restricted Collarette structure in physical & emotional levels
- Blood sugar imbalance, pancreatic dysfunction
- Tendency to constipation and sluggishness of the intestines.
- Lymphatic congestion
- Tendency to ENT disorders amplified by hypothalamus stress at 360'
- Self contained, feeling of insecurity, fear of "letting go" and fear of independence
f) Minor ray located at internal collarette border - 10' as Citric Acid Cycle sign - Pyruvic acid imbalance indicates diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity and hepatic stress.
g) Multiple local linear collarette structure indicate insulin sensitivity / diabetes mellitus
h)  HP4 Emotional Imun T, SF4, SF8, HF1, HF7, HF9 & HF16
i) Emotional Journey, 3 times/day
j) Personal Biological Clock : 75' ( HP4, SF4 & SF4), 185' (SF8 & HF16) & 360' (HF1)

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