Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Signs at Pupillary Zone in Modern Iridology Approaches - Lx - (shan) - b

In Modern Multidimensional Iridology, signs at pupillary zone/inside collarette should take priority to analyse as compare to the signs at outside border collarette and ciliary zones. Could you list out what type of iris signs at pupillary zone is important for applying MMI ? My suggestions as below :
a) Crypt
b) Minor Ray - Deep
c) Major Ray - Deep 
d) Pigment
e) Internal lacuna
f) Internal Neuron Network Transversal
g) Internal Solitary Lisch Nodule
Multiple minor rays at frontal section of pupillary zone, crypt at internal collarette border - 70' and  solitary brown pigment at ileum reflex zone - 250'. What MMI models do you think can apply in this case ?
Note : Koch's Sign at 110'

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Radial Furrows at Pupillary Zone & Border of the Collarette - Lx - (shan) - a

Could you identify what the genetic impacts carried by radial furrows seated at different iris zones ? What type of MI models can apply under these conditions ? 
a) Radial Furrow penetrated inside border of the collarette 
b)Radial Furrows at the pupillary zone or internal collarette border 
c) Radial Furrow located outside border of the collarette or ciliary zone 

MI - Minor Rays at Pupillary Zone - Embryological & Citric Acid Cycle Analysis - Rx - (shan) - c

 Deep level of radial furrows or minor rays located at pupillary zone - 175' & 220'. Please identify the embryological and cellular genetic deficiency associate with this condition ? 

MI - Analysis of the Iris Pigmentation & Combination Signs in Advanced Levels - Rx - (shan) - b

Observe the location, size, density & co-sign of brown pigments located at pupillary & ciliary zones. Could you identify which combination of iris signs such as IPB morphologies, Space Risk, Pupil flattening & Pigmentation that can enhance the accuracy & thoroughness of the analysis results ? Please try ! Notes :Set second priority on ciliary and limbus zones accept the brown pigment co-sign with radial furrow at 145', Why ? " If you know the answers, then congratulate ! , you are in the fields of Multidimensional Iridology ! "

The combination of iris signs in Modern Iridology Approaches as follow:
a) Extroflession of the IPB at 70' as Space Risk 9 +  Brown pigment at pupillary zone - 320' + Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness = Genetic predisposition to cardiovascular risk.
b) Squared IPB + Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness = Family medical background of thyroid imbalance
c) Brown pigment adjacent to IPB at 115' can be transformed to Space Risk 16 which indicate  to adrenal stress, physical relate to gastrointestinal disturbances and psycho-emotional concern with suppression of anger.
d) Brown pigment located at inner collarette border at 40'  embryologically relate stomach disturbances associate with Citric acid imbalance. 
e) Minor ray at pupillary zone - 275', embryological sign indicate family medical history of breast problem, and associate with Malic acid deficiency plus linear collarette leading to blood sugar imbalance.
f) Take note the radial furrow co-sign with brown pigment at 145', identify the genetic weakness of this condition ?

Saturday, April 26, 2014

MI - Cardiovascular Signs - Rx - (shan) - a

Could you identify which iris signs are represent this person has predisposition to and family genetic history of cardiovascular risk ? Remember ! all signs that located at pupillary zones which are recommended to apply of multidimensional iridology models. It can be found at least 2 iris signs are identical to indicate the above conditions ! Could you find the answer at ciliary zone ? I would recommend you to consider apply the Embryological Iridology & Space Risk models to identify this genetic problem !  The next coming post is to discuss about it type, size, location and density of an iris sign that will affect an iris assessment in term of physical, psycho- emotional, embryological & cellular levels !!
 Bear in mind that, most of the deep seated emotional issue is identified by a SIGN which attached, indented & penetrated on the border of the collarette !! The levels of impact are depend on its TYPE, SIZE & DENSITY !!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Radial Furrows in Multidimensional Views - Rx - (sara)

Observe these 2 radial furrows were penetrated the pupillary zone toward to the edge of IPB, both are not an ordinary sign but can view as multidimensional iris sign...Which MI models do you recommend to apply ? Which model do you think is the most appropriate approach to reveal her psycho-emotional problems plus the time of happened ? 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lacunae at 170' & 180' - Classical Vs Multidimensional View - Lx - (lak)

In classical view, these 2 lacunae are indicate predisposition to and family medical history of kidney insufficiency. But, which one do you think can be assess in advance level and elaborate more by using modern iridological approaches ? 
In this case, give more attention where an iris sign attached on the external border of the collarette instead of ciliary zone. Observe carefully the closed lacuna was indented and attached toward to the collarette border - 170', that can be analysed in multilevel of approaches as follow :
a) Time Risk 
b) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
c) Visceroemotional - Emotional Anatomy

I suggest you may ignore or pay less attention of an iris signs on the ciliary zone, accept transversal, pigmentation and co-signs ( lacuna intercept with contraction furrows).

Embryological Sign, Linear & Multi-Bridged Collarette - Lx - (chand)

Please identify the embryological sign at 240', linear & collarette bridges, what is a common genetic weakness for these 3 combination iris signs ? 

Atrophy IPB, Constricted, Raised & Multi-Bridged Collarette - Rx - (chand)

Explain the common emotional traits for atrophy IPB & constricted collarette. What are the major genetic deficiencies for multi-bridged collarette ?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Internal Crypt - Multidimensional Iridology Sign !

In my experience, most of the crypts  located inside the collarette or pupillary zone, they are an important considering 90% as Multidimensional Iridology sign ! 

Classical, Modern, Embryological, Cellular & Time Risk Approaches - Lx - (ykt)

Observe the crypt located at internal collarette border - 80' as Multidimensional iris sign which can be analysed in Classical / Gastrointestinal, Modern, Embryological, Cellular & Time Risk approaches. What can you assess and interpret by applying these models ? 

Crypts at Internal & External Border of the Collarette in MI Approaches - Rx - (ykt)

Observe the multiple crypts located at internal pupillary zone and external border of the collarette, what MI models or advanced & modern iridological tools could be applied to this condition ? 

Please use Embryology & Citric Acid Cycle Iridology Models to analyse the above conditions and find the correlation signs so as to enhance the accuracy of the assessment..A practitioner should think beyond the classical view especially at pupillary zone. The pupillary zone represent as the Cell that indicate an Embryological & Cellular / Kreb's Cycle aspects of most glands & organs projecting in the pupillary zone in the predispositional perspectives.

Signs at Internal Collarette Border - Lx - (htt)

Observe a sign / crypts located at internal collarette border. Classically, it concern with gastrointestinal disturbances at descending colon. In cellular level, it associate with d-isocitrate acid imbalance, cause an increase of oxidative stress on the cell and the entire system. In addition, what type of genetic deficiency in relation with embryological level ?

Embryological Sign at Pupillary Zone - Rx - (hht)

Could you identify which iris sign indicate this person is predisposition to blood sugar imbalance ? Actually, we can see much on IPB, pupil and ciliary zone that showing of this genetic sign ?

Collarette Bridge

Explain the collarette bridge in physical & emotional levels, why it can be classified as Time Risk & Dirk Hamer Syndrome signs ? How to measure it traumatic /Time Risk factor ? what type of emotional imbalance attached on this stress event ?

Partial Atrophy, IPB Morphologies, Space Risk, Conjunctival PPM & Pupil Flatness - Lx - (pala)

Could you identify the above mentioned iris signs in this iris sample and explain it potential genetic weaknesses for this person ? 

Could you identify which iris signs indicate the progesterone deficiency tendency ?

Identification of Correlation Iris Signs Via Multidimensional Iridology Approaches - Rx - (pala)

Male, 66
- Hearing problem, Tinnitus.
Please identify which iris signs in different iris zones and layers that can be combined to enhance the accuracy of reflecting the personal predisposition  and  family medical history of  blood sugar imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, kidney insufficient and cardiovascular problem ! You may identify at least 2 iris signs are correlate to each genetic weakness...In addition, could you explain the general inheritance weaknesses for Partial Atrophy & Whitened IPB first ?
a) Medial nasal flatness & closed lacuna at 80' both signs are correlate with thyroid dysfunction.
b) Superior nasal flatness relate to his hearing such as tinnitus problem.
c) Citric acid cycle signs at pupillary zone - 142' , linear collarette  and classical lacunae at 135' & 305' , they are indicate family history of blood sugar imbalance or diabetes problem.
d) Kreb's Cycle sign at pupillary zone - 163' & closed lacuna at 175' indicate predisposition to kidneys insufficiency.
e) Explain the local indentation of the collarette at 250' in Physical, Emotional, Cellular, Time Risk and  The Immune Cell & PNEI levels ! 

Friday, April 04, 2014

Focus on 80/20 Rule !

Lx, Male
What can you explain about the above condition ? Sometime, you just need to practice to focus and identify the most importance iris signs that it represent 80% of that person genetic history weaknesses...consider 80/20 Rule! 
The highlighted iris signs - Pupil Flatness + Bridge & Linear Collarette = Physiological , Emotional & Spinal + Time Risk + The Immune Cell & PNEI