Saturday, April 26, 2014

MI - Cardiovascular Signs - Rx - (shan) - a

Could you identify which iris signs are represent this person has predisposition to and family genetic history of cardiovascular risk ? Remember ! all signs that located at pupillary zones which are recommended to apply of multidimensional iridology models. It can be found at least 2 iris signs are identical to indicate the above conditions ! Could you find the answer at ciliary zone ? I would recommend you to consider apply the Embryological Iridology & Space Risk models to identify this genetic problem !  The next coming post is to discuss about it type, size, location and density of an iris sign that will affect an iris assessment in term of physical, psycho- emotional, embryological & cellular levels !!
 Bear in mind that, most of the deep seated emotional issue is identified by a SIGN which attached, indented & penetrated on the border of the collarette !! The levels of impact are depend on its TYPE, SIZE & DENSITY !!

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