Sunday, April 27, 2014

MI - Analysis of the Iris Pigmentation & Combination Signs in Advanced Levels - Rx - (shan) - b

Observe the location, size, density & co-sign of brown pigments located at pupillary & ciliary zones. Could you identify which combination of iris signs such as IPB morphologies, Space Risk, Pupil flattening & Pigmentation that can enhance the accuracy & thoroughness of the analysis results ? Please try ! Notes :Set second priority on ciliary and limbus zones accept the brown pigment co-sign with radial furrow at 145', Why ? " If you know the answers, then congratulate ! , you are in the fields of Multidimensional Iridology ! "

The combination of iris signs in Modern Iridology Approaches as follow:
a) Extroflession of the IPB at 70' as Space Risk 9 +  Brown pigment at pupillary zone - 320' + Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness = Genetic predisposition to cardiovascular risk.
b) Squared IPB + Medial Nasal Pupil Flatness = Family medical background of thyroid imbalance
c) Brown pigment adjacent to IPB at 115' can be transformed to Space Risk 16 which indicate  to adrenal stress, physical relate to gastrointestinal disturbances and psycho-emotional concern with suppression of anger.
d) Brown pigment located at inner collarette border at 40'  embryologically relate stomach disturbances associate with Citric acid imbalance. 
e) Minor ray at pupillary zone - 275', embryological sign indicate family medical history of breast problem, and associate with Malic acid deficiency plus linear collarette leading to blood sugar imbalance.
f) Take note the radial furrow co-sign with brown pigment at 145', identify the genetic weakness of this condition ?

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