Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lacunae at 170' & 180' - Classical Vs Multidimensional View - Lx - (lak)

In classical view, these 2 lacunae are indicate predisposition to and family medical history of kidney insufficiency. But, which one do you think can be assess in advance level and elaborate more by using modern iridological approaches ? 
In this case, give more attention where an iris sign attached on the external border of the collarette instead of ciliary zone. Observe carefully the closed lacuna was indented and attached toward to the collarette border - 170', that can be analysed in multilevel of approaches as follow :
a) Time Risk 
b) Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette
c) Visceroemotional - Emotional Anatomy

I suggest you may ignore or pay less attention of an iris signs on the ciliary zone, accept transversal, pigmentation and co-signs ( lacuna intercept with contraction furrows).

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