Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Signs at Pupillary Zone in Modern Iridology Approaches - Lx - (shan) - b

In Modern Multidimensional Iridology, signs at pupillary zone/inside collarette should take priority to analyse as compare to the signs at outside border collarette and ciliary zones. Could you list out what type of iris signs at pupillary zone is important for applying MMI ? My suggestions as below :
a) Crypt
b) Minor Ray - Deep
c) Major Ray - Deep 
d) Pigment
e) Internal lacuna
f) Internal Neuron Network Transversal
g) Internal Solitary Lisch Nodule
Multiple minor rays at frontal section of pupillary zone, crypt at internal collarette border - 70' and  solitary brown pigment at ileum reflex zone - 250'. What MMI models do you think can apply in this case ?
Note : Koch's Sign at 110'

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