Friday, February 28, 2014

Space Risk, Pupil Ellipse & Multiple Pupil Flattenings - Lx - (idris)

Observe the inner pupillary border tissues, pupil ellipse and flattenings...Based on analyzing these 3 importance areas, what genetic weakness tendencies would you recommend to this client ?

                                 Right iris                                      Left sided pupil ellipse      

a) Identify the local absence of the inner pupillary border at 165' * 180' as Space Risk 25 & 26, explain in physical and spinal aspects.
b) Multiple pupil flattenings at frontal, lateral temporal, inferior nasal and superior nasal areas, elaborate it spinal vertebrae, physical and emotional aspects.
c) A left sided ellipse of pupil is identified, what type of genetic weakness tendencies of this structure ? The left pupil ellipse amplified the genetic deficiency condition analysed with combination of pupil flattenings, such as:
 - Frontal pupil flatness, it enhance a clinical meaning of headache !
- Lateral temporal pupil flatness, causing psychosomatic influence on the respiratory system, predisposition to nervous breathing problem such as asthma, circulatory problem and cardiovascular risk ( refer closed lacuna at 280'-Rx) !
- Inferior nasal pupil flatness, concern with hypertension problem ! In addition, it enhance a clinical meaning of blood sugar imbalance, which is reflected on Rx-iris ! 

Modern Iridology Approaches in IPB, Pupil, Pupillary & Ciliary Zones - Rx - (idris)

- Family medical history of diabetes & cardiovascular stress
- Hearing problem
Please find out the iris signs which addressed these inheritance weaknesses in all iris zones and topographies areas. You may use Modern Multidimensional Iridology to enhance the findings via applying Classical approaches...Look for Combination & Correlation of iris signs !

a) The extroflession of the IPB at 100', linear collarette, collarette bridge, radial furrow/embryological sign at 60' in pupillary zone and classical lacuna at 235'. If we combine all these iris signs, what are those common genetic weakness imposed to this person ?
b)  What is the genetic weakness tendency of Pearls sign IPB ?
c) Explain the physical and emotional stress tendencies for for frontal pupil flatness.
d) Why the radial furrow/minor ray located at pupillary zone - 205' & Krebs Cycle sign at 60' enhanced the clinical meaning of physical lacuna at 145 ?
e) Could you identify which iris sign is addressed the hearing problem ? Shall we classified the indented lacuna at 318' as Time Risk marking ? What emotional issues is attached on this lacuna ?
f) The combination of Citric Acid Cycle sign at 60' which associate with Citrate acid imbalance and Pearl sign IPB, what are they indicate for in term of gastrointestinal condition ?
g) The important  lacuna located at external border of the collarette -280', explain in physical and emotional level. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Reflection of Pupil Applanations - Rx - (gand)

- Diabetes Mellitus
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Ovarian Cysts
Please identify which iris zones directing to the above mentioned health problems ? Which iris sign  can be amplified the condition ?

Partial Hypertrophy of the Collarette - Lx - (osh)

Observe the partial hypertrophy of the collarette at ventral section, what are the adjacent organs topographies to this section as it relate to the inflammatory conditions ? It indicate inflammatory and allergic tendency which also amplified by the iris signs of crypts at 180' (external border of the collarette)  & 145' ( internal collarette border) - Rx-iris !

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Signs at Pupillary Zone, External Border & Collarette Structure - Classical, Embryological & Cellular Approaches Rx - (osh)

An illustration of Modern Iridology Approaches in Classical, Embryological & Cellular Levels : 
a) Crypt located at the external border of the collarette - 180' and it enhanced on embryological level by  crypt at pupillary zone - 145' ! 
b) As we familiar the genetic weakness tendency for linear & bridge collarette, it enhanced on the cellular level by crypt located at internal collarette border - 295' !

Prolactinoma & Hypothyroidism IPB Signs - Rx - (osh)

Identify two inner pupillary border structures at the frontal section that are concern with prolactin release imbalance and family medical history of hypothyroidism tendency.  

Modern, Classical Approach & Emotional Level

Could you explain the common genetic deficiency of lateral temporal flatness Vs small lacuna attached on the border of the collarette at 95' in classical approach and emotional level ? I would also suggest that this small lacuna/crypt was located inside the external border of the collarette at 95'. You can consider other iris sign which may also reflected and enhance this condition by examining the Modern Iridology approaches ! 

Modern Iridology - Support to Enhance Classical Approaches - Rx - (gse)

- Family genetic history of Diabetes Mellitus
- Thyroid Dysfunction
Please observe and identify which iris signs are indicate the genetic health problems ? You may use Modern Iridology models to assist for enhancing the classical approaches ! In this case, it is a challenge for practitioner to search for that inheritance weaknesses via applying classical approaches.  Please try !

Apply the Modern Iridology approaches by identifying the iris signs of local absence of the IPB - 267' & 300' and crypt at internal collarette border - 200' , they are indicate the above mentioned genetic weaknesses ! ( Refer Dr. Daniele Lo Rito's Space Risk & John Andrews's Citric Acid Cycle Cellular Iridology Charts )

Inner Pupillary Border - Rx - (gse)

What can you observe the inner pupillary border tissues and structures relate to physical, emotional, spinal vertebrae and DNA ?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Indented Lacuna at 90' - Rx - (balan)

- Heart problem since 2000, by passed surgery.
- Diabetes Mellitus
A lacuna penetrated to the external border of the collarette at 90' indicate predisposition to heart disease problem. What type or structure of this lacuna ? If you look carefully it penetrate or puncture toward to pupillary zone, does it relate to deficiency of gastrointestinal system ? What kind of emotional imbalance attached to this lacuna ? Could you calculate when was this traumatic event happened ?

IPB Flat Sign !

What is genetic tendency for IPB Flat sign ? 

IPB Intestinal Polyposis & Dysbiosis Sign - Lx - (ygt)

Identify what type of these IPB tissues which indicates an intestinal polyposis, dysbiosis and inflammatory bowel tendencies ! 

Local Absence of the IPB & Inferior Nasal Flatness - Space Risk & IPB Spinal - Lx - (ygt)

Identify the local absence of the IPB at 195' & 245', they are correlate with Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness in term of the physical genetic weaknesses and neuromuscular tension at spinal vertebrae. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Squared, Distended & Local Indentation of the Collarette - Modern & Classical Iridology Approaches - Lx - (rose) - e

The Combination of Applying Modern & Classical Iridology on Collarette Structure -
a) What are the general deficiency tendency for Squared Collarette ? Explain the emotional epigenetic attached to the structure.
b) What is the Parental DNA Dominance associate with this distended collarette ? What type of  gastrointestinal disturbances inherited by this person ?
c) This is important when you observe an indentation of the collarette on distended collarette, it carried more significant clinical meaning than contracted one ! Multiple local indentation of the collarette associated with lacunae at 60', 225' & 350' . Consider to analyse the conditions with Physical Organs Topographies, Classical Gastrointestinal System,Emotional Anatomy, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk evaluation on indented collarette structure ( Please refer Dr. Ellen Tart, Dr. David Pesek, John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito for respective research articles on this collarette subject).
d) Refer to the post of IPB Prolactin Sign ( What IPB is regard to this prolactin imbalance ?) accompanied with frontal Linear Collarette, what does it indicate for genetic deficiency tendency ? 
e) You may relate the above questions to previous post at a,b,c & d - identification of IPB Morphologies & Space Risk.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gall Bladder, Thyroid, Neck & Shoulder Stress Signs - (rose) - d

Identify 3 local absent of the IPB tissues and measure the space to indicate the above mentioned genetic deficiencies. 

The exploration the dynamics of the IPB tissues posting on a,b,c,d in identifying its Morphologies, Space Risk & IPB Spinal is create an awareness  for Modern Iridologist to understand & realize how important to master this subject in term of analyzing & looking human irises in Chromosome & DNA levels !

IPB Gastrointestinal Disturbances Sign - (rose) - c

Observe the shape of the inner pupillary border tissues that structures are specifically indicate this main tendency !

IPB Prolactin Sign - (rose) - b

Please find the Prolactin sign along these inner pupillary border tissues !

Extroflession of IPB - Rx - (rose) - a

Observe the inner pupillary border tissues extended to pupillary zone indicates as an extroflession of IPB, a Modern Iridologist have to measure the degree of local extended IPB, it can signify as Space Risk in physical & emotional and IPB Spinal evaluation !

Identification of Thyroid Stress, Uterus Fibroid, Ovarian & Breast Cysts in Modern Iridological Approaches - Lx - (opc)

Female, 53
-Breast Cysts
- Uterus Fibroid
- Family history of ovarian cysts & thyroid dysfunction
Please refer to the indication route via apply MI models to analyse the genetic weaknesses in view of classical, physical, psycho-emotional, embryological and cellular aspects.

Multi-Bridged Collarette - Lx - (ocl)

Multi-bridged collarette formation indicate a tendency to progesterone-prolactin imbalance. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Combination Signs of Kidney Lacunae 180', Citric Acid Cycle 245' & Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness - Lx - (lls)

-High Blood Pressure
- Back pain & injured
This person has back pain and injured at sacrum areas that was reflected at IPB spinal - 160' & ventral Pupil Flatness. A classical lacuna located at external border of the collarette at 180' & 190' indicate predisposition to kidneys insufficiency. Observe the Inferior Nasal Pupil Flatness it firmly giving a genetic information about saying that individual was encountered a predisposition to and history of sacral, lumbar and coccyx injuries, osteoporosis or rheumatism tendencies ! The renal disturbances & possible polycystic kidneys are also highlighted !!
We have one very interesting sign located at internal collarette border - 245' . This is a modern iridology sign as so called Citric Acid cycle Cellular sign ( please refer John Andrews latest article on this advanced subject). This sign associate with Fumaric Acid imbalance that indicate insufficiency of impaired liver function, renal function and hypertension ! In addition, Embryologically it relate to blood sugar imbalance ! ( refer to Rx - ventral linear collarette & collarette bridge) 

The Combination & Correlation on Multidimensional Iris Signs - Emotional Anatomy, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk Marking Rx - (lls)

We will discuss on organ emotional anatomy and correlation of iris signs on IPB spinal, ventral pupil flatness, bridge & ventral linear collarette in multidimensional views... 

The combination and correlation of iris signs in views of classical, modern, emotional-epigenetics, embryological and cellular leading to enhance and amply the clinical meaning.
a) Local absence of the IPB at 160' signify as Space Risk 25 & IPB Spinal co-sign with Ventral Pupil Flatness, they are correlate to indicates spinal problems at lumbar vertebrae, sacrum & coccyx areas, hip & knees problems and osteoarthritis tendency. Psycho-emotional concerns with self-confidence,sexual problems and low self-esteem.
b) Ventral Linear Collarette combine with Collarette Bridge at 140' indicate Hyperinsulinaemia, Autoimmunity, Progesterone deficiency & Diabetes Mellitus tendency in personal,  family members and previous generations. The Bridge as Time Risk & Dirk Hamer Syndrome marking at mid-point 140'  it indicate traumatic event happened at the aged of 36.5, and emotional attachment with elf-doubt, indecision and nervous exhaustion.
c) An indented lacuna located classical topography at 230' indicate a predisposition to gall  bladder deficiency.Emotional anatomy relate to forgiveness, bitterness and fear of repeating old patterns. This sign can be classified as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics markings. The traumatic deep-seated emotions attached to this indented lacuna at 230' could be a personal challenge, the experience of betrayal, feel of guilt, the experience of vulnerable time and bitterness.

Bridges, Linear & Lacuna at 115' - Rx - (kalya)

Diabetes Mellitus - 18.8
Observe the combination of iris signs - Collarette Bridges, Linear Collarette & Pancreas lacuna at 115' which highly indicate that individual is predisposition and family medical background of pancreas dysfunction with high blood sugar. Consider what psycho-emotional issues attached to these iris signs ?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Radial Furrow at 360' & Indentation of the Collarette at 245' - In Multidimensional Views - Rx - (nsc)

Consider which psycho-emotional issues impacted to this person by analyzing the local frontal indentation of the collarette at 245' ? When is this traumatic event happened  ? What type of Citric Acid Cycle dysfunction & gastrointestinal system disturbances ? The hypothalamus stress associate with limbic system imbalance at 360' enhance the inheritance of physical, genetic, emotional-epigenetic & cellular stress conditions ! Time Risk sign a conception of traumatic or stress event triggered at this point.The Hypothalamus stress at 360' take priority over all other iris signs indicates impaired adaptability in all situations and it increased susceptibility to stress, according to John Andrews.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Depigmented IPB, Space Risk, Pupil Flatness, Sectoral Heterochromia, Time Risk Markings & Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette - Lx - (nsc)

Observe the whitened IPB tissues, local absence of the IPB & multiple pupil flattenings. Hypertrophy, sectional broken & indentation radial furrows attached to the collarette structure.

a) The depigmented or whitened IPB structure it grow as age and appeared in white/grey coloration. It indicates of premature ageing, oxidative stress, osteoarthritis & osteoporosis tendencies.
b) Local absence of the IPB tissues at the range of 20'-40' signify as Space Risk 3, 4 & 5 indicative pf psoriasis, ENT, tonsils & upper respiratory system related problems. It also represent a neuromuscular tension in spinal nerve at C4-C6.
c) The Sectoral Brown Heterochromia attached on the pupillary zone which adjacent to the local absent IPB at 20'-40'. Please take note the organs reflexive areas - Medulla Oblongata, Spleen & Ear related with breathing and hearing problems. They are enhance the meanings of each other !

Multiple radial furrows at 10',30',190',235' & 300', you may analyse these in Classical, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk levels and compare that findings with pupil flatness at STF & MNF.