Thursday, February 13, 2014

Radial Furrow at 360' & Indentation of the Collarette at 245' - In Multidimensional Views - Rx - (nsc)

Consider which psycho-emotional issues impacted to this person by analyzing the local frontal indentation of the collarette at 245' ? When is this traumatic event happened  ? What type of Citric Acid Cycle dysfunction & gastrointestinal system disturbances ? The hypothalamus stress associate with limbic system imbalance at 360' enhance the inheritance of physical, genetic, emotional-epigenetic & cellular stress conditions ! Time Risk sign a conception of traumatic or stress event triggered at this point.The Hypothalamus stress at 360' take priority over all other iris signs indicates impaired adaptability in all situations and it increased susceptibility to stress, according to John Andrews.

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