Friday, February 14, 2014

The Combination & Correlation on Multidimensional Iris Signs - Emotional Anatomy, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk Marking Rx - (lls)

We will discuss on organ emotional anatomy and correlation of iris signs on IPB spinal, ventral pupil flatness, bridge & ventral linear collarette in multidimensional views... 

The combination and correlation of iris signs in views of classical, modern, emotional-epigenetics, embryological and cellular leading to enhance and amply the clinical meaning.
a) Local absence of the IPB at 160' signify as Space Risk 25 & IPB Spinal co-sign with Ventral Pupil Flatness, they are correlate to indicates spinal problems at lumbar vertebrae, sacrum & coccyx areas, hip & knees problems and osteoarthritis tendency. Psycho-emotional concerns with self-confidence,sexual problems and low self-esteem.
b) Ventral Linear Collarette combine with Collarette Bridge at 140' indicate Hyperinsulinaemia, Autoimmunity, Progesterone deficiency & Diabetes Mellitus tendency in personal,  family members and previous generations. The Bridge as Time Risk & Dirk Hamer Syndrome marking at mid-point 140'  it indicate traumatic event happened at the aged of 36.5, and emotional attachment with elf-doubt, indecision and nervous exhaustion.
c) An indented lacuna located classical topography at 230' indicate a predisposition to gall  bladder deficiency.Emotional anatomy relate to forgiveness, bitterness and fear of repeating old patterns. This sign can be classified as Time Risk & Emotional Dynamics markings. The traumatic deep-seated emotions attached to this indented lacuna at 230' could be a personal challenge, the experience of betrayal, feel of guilt, the experience of vulnerable time and bitterness.

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