Monday, February 17, 2014

Squared, Distended & Local Indentation of the Collarette - Modern & Classical Iridology Approaches - Lx - (rose) - e

The Combination of Applying Modern & Classical Iridology on Collarette Structure -
a) What are the general deficiency tendency for Squared Collarette ? Explain the emotional epigenetic attached to the structure.
b) What is the Parental DNA Dominance associate with this distended collarette ? What type of  gastrointestinal disturbances inherited by this person ?
c) This is important when you observe an indentation of the collarette on distended collarette, it carried more significant clinical meaning than contracted one ! Multiple local indentation of the collarette associated with lacunae at 60', 225' & 350' . Consider to analyse the conditions with Physical Organs Topographies, Classical Gastrointestinal System,Emotional Anatomy, Emotional Dynamics & Time Risk evaluation on indented collarette structure ( Please refer Dr. Ellen Tart, Dr. David Pesek, John Andrews & Dr. Daniele Lo Rito for respective research articles on this collarette subject).
d) Refer to the post of IPB Prolactin Sign ( What IPB is regard to this prolactin imbalance ?) accompanied with frontal Linear Collarette, what does it indicate for genetic deficiency tendency ? 
e) You may relate the above questions to previous post at a,b,c & d - identification of IPB Morphologies & Space Risk.

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