Friday, February 28, 2014

Modern Iridology Approaches in IPB, Pupil, Pupillary & Ciliary Zones - Rx - (idris)

- Family medical history of diabetes & cardiovascular stress
- Hearing problem
Please find out the iris signs which addressed these inheritance weaknesses in all iris zones and topographies areas. You may use Modern Multidimensional Iridology to enhance the findings via applying Classical approaches...Look for Combination & Correlation of iris signs !

a) The extroflession of the IPB at 100', linear collarette, collarette bridge, radial furrow/embryological sign at 60' in pupillary zone and classical lacuna at 235'. If we combine all these iris signs, what are those common genetic weakness imposed to this person ?
b)  What is the genetic weakness tendency of Pearls sign IPB ?
c) Explain the physical and emotional stress tendencies for for frontal pupil flatness.
d) Why the radial furrow/minor ray located at pupillary zone - 205' & Krebs Cycle sign at 60' enhanced the clinical meaning of physical lacuna at 145 ?
e) Could you identify which iris sign is addressed the hearing problem ? Shall we classified the indented lacuna at 318' as Time Risk marking ? What emotional issues is attached on this lacuna ?
f) The combination of Citric Acid Cycle sign at 60' which associate with Citrate acid imbalance and Pearl sign IPB, what are they indicate for in term of gastrointestinal condition ?
g) The important  lacuna located at external border of the collarette -280', explain in physical and emotional level. 

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